Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fire work pics...

These are part of the pics I took of the shirts that I did the other night. This is the front of one the shirts that I did. I actually did this one for one of the owners.

And then this is the back of mine. Not sure what I'm going to do with the front yet. I hate having a whole lot spread out on the shirt because it makes it hard to iron them after I air dry it. And those fireworks at the top are from New Year's Eve at the fireworks stand or one night leading up to it.
I like fireworks.

love ya!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sticky fingers

My fingers are all sticky from blinging shirts. The glue is awesome but it makes a mess and then I end up with strings of glue all over the place and under my finger nails. I actually woke up with some of it underneath my finger nails. I also woke up with my lip split and scabbed over because it's summer and my lips are all dry. I was a little worried because it was right in the center of my lip and all black.

It has gotten better but it just really isn't the way that you want to wake up to. I have pictures of the shirts that I blinged but I'm not done with mine. I've gotten the back done but couldn't do the front yet. Not sure what I want to do with it. I've done the fronts of three other ones so I have an idea of what I want to do but not really sure how much I'm going to put on the front.

Then on top of that I tried to make cake pops this morning and well it really didn't go so well. It was a disaster that I will have to clean up when I get home. For some reason...well let's just say that it didn't go so well at all.

love ya!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Blah, blah blah

That's really all that I can say right now. Everything just seems to be so blah right now. There is nothing I can do to get out of this rut that I'm in. I'm in a horrible rut and I really don't care about what is going on any mire. I just want things to be over. I want to give up. I really really want to just give up because life just seems so hard and things aren't getting any easier. The more that I have to do the more that I see things really aren't going anywhere. I'm just stuck in this wretched limbo land where nothing happens but disappointment.

I want a new job. I'm so sick of the one I have that I can't stand it anymore because no matter what I do it doesn't ever seem to be enough or good enough for someone else. I bust my butt to try and get things done and every once in awhile there are a few things that don't get done and those are what I get busted for and it's starting to piss me off. I haven't gotten a you're doing good at this or that but if I do anything wrong they sure are quick to bust me for that and it's stupid.

We have people who screw things up left and right and they don't ever get in any kind of trouble. I can't help that I forgot to label one thing on the shelf and then I was in the shower when they called and I couldn't answer them. Ten minutes of the entire morning I was in the shower and that's when they call me. So I try to call them back and no one will answer the phone at work I had to call someone on their cell phone. I really didn't want this job. I really haven't ever felt comfortable doing this job and they don't seem to care about it. That I guess is my fault and something that I'm going to have to deal with. But I think that my bosses may be the reason why I'm not getting any interviews any where because they know that they aren't going to be able to replace me. No one is going to put up with the amount of stuff that I have to get what I get an hour for this job. It sucks. It really really does suck.

love ya!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

What we become...

What we become is our gift to God.

I've never really thought about that and what it really means. What do we have to do to become a gift? How much of our lives do we have devout to good deeds to become a gift?

Is it merely the fact that that we get up everyday and don't kill ourselves?

I'm not sure what kind of gift it is that we have to become in order to be great or anything like that. Or is it really just the fact that we get up and live our lives everyday and we just show the world that there is something good in the world.

It just seems like something that sets us up for failure. That we have this goal in life that is almost completely unreachable.

Maybe it's more or less about the pressure that it puts on us to try and become something that we won't really know what it is. We don't get to find out what that gift is until the end. Then that is really why we have to try and strive for the best. Because we can't see the fingerprints that we leave on other people. That's what's important about living the fingerprints that we leave behind. Everyday we touch the lives of the people around us even if we just give them a smile that's all it takes to touch a life that may be all that it takes.

Love ya!


I've been thinking about a lot of things. Right now money seems to be one of the things that keeps making it to the front of my thought process. I've even considered the whole getting paid for blogging but I'm not sure if I'm quite ready to sell myself for a few bucks more a month and having to change the way that I blog and having to think about the quality of what I write.

I'm just not sure if I could stand to be one of those people who forces their readers to dodge adds while they read. To me that just seems like a corporate sellout of some kind at that point. You really can't be making that much money off of the adds to really make them worth the time and annoyance to your followers.

I know that my blog really isn't that much of something to follow but I hope that one day it does get to that point. Right now there are just so many things that I need to be doing that blogging somehow has gone to the bottom of the list. I really haven't had the time that I had before because I no longer have my computer in my bedroom. That was really the only reason that I blogged at the level that I did over on Xanga. And there was the insomnia that has cleared up a little.

We actually have no electronics in the bedroom save for the cell phones to charge and the alarm clock. It's just the only way that I can sleep. We only have one TV and that stays downstairs because it would be awkward to have people over and have to watch TV in our bedroom. We also only have one TV and that's enough for just the two of us.

love ya!

Friday, June 18, 2010


Recently I've been following a few blogs that talk about lunch, which are linked on the side and it's really gotten me thinking about taking my lunch to work. Right now, my husband and I just come home for lunch because we work together and it works, except that he has been busy come lunch time and has just worked through lunch. On those days I would just take my lunch with me but I never know how days are gonna run and days like today I have to leave the building for my own sanity. That however is another story all together.

But I am currently looking for a job in the teaching world and would appreciate any good feelings, prayers, or vibes that you could send my way depending on which way you align yourself spiritually. These sites however have made me rethink back to lunch when I was in school and just the thought of packing my own lunch once again.

I'm not sure why I get so excited about the thought of packing my lunch again. Just the thought of something other than a boring old sandwich or something along that lines. Right now lunch is usually some kind of sandwich or leftovers from the night before. Which leftovers aren't that bad just not usually something light and simple that can be eaten for lunch.

I don't eat at work amymore because I don't get a lunch break. I've had customers come to the break room and ask me questions. Or I get paged while I'm down there just trying to relax for a few minutes before I have to go back to work. Or my boss comes down there and asks me to come clock in and help because things get chaotic. Which happens all the time when they're gone and they leave the store and usually stay gone more than an hour.

But I'm really liking the whole idea of the bento box lunch. They seem healthier and waste free. I like the ideas that I've seen so far.

love ya!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So much to say...

I have pictures that I've just been too lazy to put up here. Got pics of an Oreo Cheesecake that I made. As soon as my tattoo heals up I will be putting up a pic of that but now that it's peeling I don't want to put it up yet. It just doesn't look that pretty right now and well to's art and I want to display it at its best.

love ya!