Monday, January 31, 2011

Oh my my my...

I just haven't had the chance to sit down and write. I've been working on an afghan and I really hit that point where I'm close to the end of the alotted time and too far from where I need to be. I have 60 more squares and then I have to try and get it all together. I've never put one together so it will be a crazy time in my house. It was bad enough when I was first learning to make granny squares but I have gotten better enough so that I can actually take them with me. It is good but now I have too much yarn and too many squares to take both with me.

Then when I started looking at my squares some of them are the same number or rounds but some how are smaller than the other squares. Then I have some ziggy ones that just come from the yarn not beeing as stiff as the other ones. So usually with the softer yarns I try to make sure that I get those tighter and then they inevitably end up smaller. I also have realized that there is an abundance of girly pinkish squares that I'm not quite sure if my grandaddy will appreciate. Then I have some yarn that is baby yarn which I have not been able to find at any store which I don't want to use because it seems smaller, I think that it says that it is fingerling weight which I don't exactly know what that means. Haven't had a chance to look it up.

Wow! That woman that is going to be on What Not to Wear tomorrow is something else. Super cute!

love ya!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Oh my oh my...

Too much going on to really have time to do this and I really haven't been able to force myself to do this. I just can't get on here everyday. Trying to do some other things, find a job clean my house find money to pay the bills those kinds of things.

love ya!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Just trying to get things done

I've got a list of things to do and it seems like marking one thing off the list adds six or seven more things. I got my kitchen cabinet cleaned off and now my table is covered.

I really want to write but then I have all these things running through my mind about artsy craftsy stuff that I want to do and get accomplished. I did get one birthday present done and I'm working on another one but I probably won't get it done in time. It makes my head and wrists hurt.

love ya!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Just enjoying the rain...

I really still am enjoying the rain and I can't believe that there are people who are down on it. I'm just not wanting to see yellow grass for the rest of the year. I love that right now that you'll be driving along and all you can see is yellow grass and gray skies and then there will be this one field of beautiful green grass where someone happened to plant for the winter and it just looks amazing.

Of course this is also coming from someone who really loves color so maybe it's just me that thinks that that is one of the best things to see in the winter. It just isn't what you expect to see during the plain and dull winter that sudden pop of color. I think that I will be taking myself out of this for a little bit so that I can wash dishes and check on the babies since we are in the middle of cleaning the tank. This is out of necessity because it hasn't been cleaned since we moved in last March. They are a little nastier than we thought and it started with Tater getting stuck in one of the plants so we decided to pull it out and that released a storm cloud of vile dirt and disgusting things. We also had to pull out something else because Dolly has been using it to hide so much that she no longer swims in a vertical manner but more of an oblique line.

I'm also currently enjoying looking at gowns that Queen Elizabeth wore and it makes me wish that fashion today was the same as it was back then. There is just something about them that makes me wish that we had the same kind of fashion sense that was there in the 40s and the 50s and the early part of the 60s. I really don't want to go into it until I have pics to back up what I'm saying.

love ya!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I fell off the wagon...

There were several nights this week that right as I got situated in bed I remembered that I hadn't blogged. I couldn't help it though...I just couldn't make myself climb out of bed and come back to the glowing keyboard. The weather has been kind of miserable this week but there has been enough rain to lift the burn ban which means my Sugar Bear is ready to set something on fire. I think that there has been a steady dripping since before five this afternoon and it continues as I sit here.

I figured that while I wait for water to boil for some delicious boxed mac-n-cheese and watching the Packers do that thing they do that I could atleast make up for lost time.

I've never really been a big fan of football I have to admit that now. I was raised watching basketball on Saturday nights at my grandparents followed by M*A*S*H, yes I sait it M*A*S*H. There is nothing I love more than the sound of shoes squeaking on hardwood floors. If you want to see a smile on my face faster than anything flip a tv to basketball. I'm in love with watching March Madness which interferred with trying to get my wedding taken care of and moving.

I married into a family that Sunday afternoons are spent with everyone on a couch watching football or in a few more weeks NASCAR. It is fun I will admit or we usually end up watching some kind of DIY home makeover show which is usually where we make fun of how much money people spend on redoing one room of their house.

Not only has the weather been miserable but there has also been all kinds of chaos at work which has made the week a bit crazy.

love ya!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monday rolled over...

I think that Monday is going to be a recurring theme this week.

I hate it when it just keeps coming and coming and there is no end in sight. Off to learn about how to use Access.

love ya!

Monday, January 10, 2011


I need one of those funky personal umbrellas....well never mind. I was going to find a pic of one but alas google has turned against me. And some hip nope wait chest waders to get through work. I just keep telling myself that it will get bad then worse and then hopefully better.

love ya!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Going to be a long year...

This blogging everyday thing is going to be harder than I thought. I just can't seem to make myself get on here and blog. It seems more like a chore to me than something that I want to do. I may have to go back to what I did before where I would pull up the window and disconnect from the net and type a little here a little there and then post. I just don't have that drive any more to post on a daily basis. Then when I do it just seems to be little bitty junky posts that don't say anything.

This may be merely random clips from my life until I get into something more substantial. Right now just soooo tired.

love ya!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I missed yesterday because they are updating to 4G around here so the towers and signal are all wonky. Things are getting better and I hope to get something up tomorrow when I have time. Working on a puzzle and hopefully I will have it done soooon. Three thousand pieces are more than I bargained for.

love ya!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

So sorry...

about last night's post. It was just really late when we got home from work and everything that we had to do. I told my husband that if he saved up his money that I would let him get the tattoo that he got in June finished for his birthday. So we went straight from work to the shop so that he could it filled in. In a few weeks when it's healed up or as soon as I get a chance I will posts pics of his newest tattoo and then mine that actually matches his.

Have more birthday plans to take care of. I don't mean to always be so short with the posts but I am working on just making sure that I get into the habit of actually posting on a daily basis and eventually will work up to having some kind of real content.

love ya!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Looong day...

It has been an insanely long day. I won't have time to do anything tonight.

love ya!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Found it in the first drawer that I looked in, got it all filled in and put a stamp on it. Now I must make the trek upstairs to throw it in the grocery basket to take it to the post office.

It's raining outside and I love it. It has been awhile since there was a decent rain that I actually didn't know what the noise that I was hearing was. I'm just glad that it isn't insanely cold right now while the rain falls. That makes me miserable on a whole different level because I just can't seem to get warm when cold and rain join forces. Of course it isn't that cold I wore a sleeveless shirt to work today and was still hot most of the day.

I may still have to cut this short because I got a papercut under my fingernail from a file folder today, and believe me those are not the same kind of papercuts that you know and hate. These are vile and horrible and I spent most of my day wanting to suck my thumb to make it feel better. I would take a picture of it but you really can't see it unless I pull the pad down and that makes it hurt worse and it is almost starting to heal up.

Things are crazy still and well I guess I just will have to learn to deal with it.

I miss my engagement ring so much right now. It is being repaired and I haven't had it since before Christmas and I miss the sparkle. I feel a little naked without it but then again my wedding band never leaves my finger so I still have that.

love ya!

For once I have thoughts on what to write...

But alas I have no time to do it right this second. Have some things to find and no idea where to look and on a time deadline. So maybe I will be back later if I happened to find them.

love ya!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Just another Monday...

It was Monday and well Mondays seem to suck even in the new year.

love ya!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Trying to make it happen....

I'm really trying to make it happen being on here more than I was in the last year. I'm not sure how that is going to work but for now I'm doing good. Spending the day trying to clean up and watching a little bit of adult shows on tv which really means anything that isn't on Nik or Disney channels. Been watching a bit of HGTV today and I'm getting ideas on how to clean up the way that my apartment looks but I"m not sure what I'm going to do with my downstairs. We put up some shelves on the wall so that has kinda eliminated some of the choices for moving the china cabinet that I have. Who knows what will happen and moving it usually risks blocking an outlet and there are very few of those downstairs four for the entire downstairs minus the one behind the fridge, the one in the cabinet for the venthood and the one in the kitchen where we plug in the crockpot or toaster or whatever small appliance we happen to be incorporating into dinner preparations. This has also made it difficult to try and have any kind of extra lighting which is really our problem. So much to do and so little time to do it in.

The more that I watch this HGTV the more I see that people have very little sense when they start looking for a house.

love ya!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year, same ole same...

I wish that I really had something to say right this very second but I don't just glad that we've made it one more year. Hopefully this year will go smoother than the last one and that things will start to look toward the better. I don't have any suggestions for how it will be a better or how to make it a better year, I just hope that it is.

And I hope that I will make it onto here more than I have been. That is pretty much my only goal and no more dancing to get into my pants. I hope that by summer I will be able to fit into all my pants without having to do the dance and sucking it in. No more waddling down the stairs like a giant penguin when the laundry is overdue.

I look forward to being able to finally getting my house clean which is going to take a bit of time. But I hope that by March I will have it done so that I can finally have people at my house, set up the sewing machine, put up some real curtains. The sheets and blankets are no longer cutting it as curtains. I would like a set of closet doors for my spare bedroom closet and I would also like a fence around my patio so I don't have to worry so much about the kids at the complex playing on my patio and the ability to open my blinds and go out on the patio. I would love to have some tomatoe plants that Mario's dogs won't be able to get to and a place for my plants because we have ants in the apartment and I'm not going to give them a place to hang, live long and prosper. They're already doing that in one of our neighbor's apartments.

When I get it all clean I may finally post some pics of the inside of my apartment but only when I'm finally happy with the way that it looks which will probably never happen. I really should be trying to go to sleep but I'm trying to catch up on Wizards of Waverly Place. I still haven't seen from the time Juliet gets taken by the mummy to after Mason is rescued from the hillbilly wizards, and then a few of the wizards get kidnapped episodes. And then anytime I finally get a chance to see one of the missing episodes I either forget or find something else to watch.

love ya!