Monday, March 28, 2011
What I've learned from being married....
I've learend in the last year that no matter how open you are in a relationship, you aren't always completely open with who you are. There is something that you hold back because you know that it is just weird enough to make them wonder about you. The thing that you really don't want them to know about is usually something that you don't think is weird. It could be anything from the way that you eat to the way that you go to bed at night. I have a strange habit of putting onion powder on most of my food even though I hate onions. I eat my green beans with ranch dressing. (and so do my brothers and cousins) That one I have kinda kept at bay but then again I eat ranch dressing with all kinds of things. I prefer ranch dressing to ranch dip. I frequently forget to use anything more than shampoo in the shower. I will sit in the bathtub long after the water is gone because it is a familiar and comfortable memory. I can live on sandwiches for days. I will eat chocolate until I am sick to my stomach and can no longer function. I will buy books with no intention of actually reading them in the near future. I will keep anything and everything. There is a quite a disconnect between what I think I can do and what I can actually accomplish in a given time. Which explains all the many different crafty projects spread through my apartment. love ya!

This is Dolly. She is one year old today...well I say that she is one year old, she has been with us one full year. I know the shot is kinda of blurry but she got a little scared of the camera and it took a bit to get her out from behind the castle.
On the very right of the picture are Nickel and Dime and amazingly that is the same size that Dolly was one year ago.
She is the only fish that we bought on our honeymoon that survived. She has survived two turtles, a pack of mean and aggressive fish that escape me currently.
I almost had to put some food in the tank to get her to come out and then I still wouldn't have gotten a good picture because she turns into a vaccum cleaner, I'm sure a habit that she learned in the pet store aquarium that you eat as fast as you can or you don't get any food. It's cute but she will get bigger, I promise and I know. I think that her size is up to seven inches and right now she's not even half of that.
Man I could really go for a trip to Hobby Lobby. Easter makes me want to be crafty.
love ya!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
One year...
One year ago today, I married the love of my life and no it really doesn't feel like a year. We've been having that reteaching moments a lot over the last month with people wanting to tell us that it hasn't been a year. I don't know why everyone wants to have that discussion especially with the ones that were there because it means that they weren't paying that much attention. Tomorrow I will be posting on Dolly's one year birthday. Because that really doesn't feel like it's been a year since we got her and she probably could take over the fish tank if there weren't other fishies. She is kinda slow and skittish but we love her just the same. Which also reminds me that I have yet to feed them tonight and the natives well they get restless if we don't feed them between 9:30 and 10 every night. They start getting into a panic and go to the front of the tank like they want us to know that they are still there and that they haven't been fed. I can almost hear them calling 'Mommy, mommy feed us!!!'. If they could get out of the tank they would and come sit on my lap just so that I would know that they have yet to be fed and that they are in fact hungry. We have been at my mother-in-law's house today and spending a little time with our puppy who has a goopy eye. We got some eyedrops into it and it's really hard to know because he tends to be a tiny bit of a faker. We've seen the fake limp many times and some times we find that it switches sides from moment to moment. That whole, 'oh no wrong side' switcheroo. He was sad and wimpering but that could also be because Sassy sat on him while I was trying to get a good look at him and she is big enough to knock me down and boy did she try. She likes to try and mother him which usually ends with her getting in the way. When we take Apollo in the boat she swims along behind us or runs around the edge of the lake because she is so paranoid that we are going to lose him in the water. Some pics tomorrow of the Dolly and Apollo. love ya!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
So many things on my mind and I just can't give them the time to be written out. I have to start working on that but right now I really need to be writing up a new resume and some other things for a job opening that I've spotted online because every time there is one at this place I put it off and put it off until it gets filled and I'm not going to do that this time.
I don't even want to think about the fact that it is almost shorts and bathing suit weather. I won't say bikini weather because that just isn't going to happen, never has and never will. I'm just not shaped right to wear a bathing suit. I'm just a big rectangle. Wide shoulders, wide hips and wide everywhere in between. With big legs. Not long legs, big legs. I even have big calves and part of that is a really nice layer of fat on them.
It really is time to start shedding the winter coat because clothes are just so much more fun. You can always layer on the clothes to beat the cold weather instead of keeping that layer of fat.
Have to see who gets kicked off America's Next Top Model.
love ya!
I don't even want to think about the fact that it is almost shorts and bathing suit weather. I won't say bikini weather because that just isn't going to happen, never has and never will. I'm just not shaped right to wear a bathing suit. I'm just a big rectangle. Wide shoulders, wide hips and wide everywhere in between. With big legs. Not long legs, big legs. I even have big calves and part of that is a really nice layer of fat on them.
It really is time to start shedding the winter coat because clothes are just so much more fun. You can always layer on the clothes to beat the cold weather instead of keeping that layer of fat.
Have to see who gets kicked off America's Next Top Model.
love ya!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Wow...100 posts...what the hey-hey...
I really didn't notice how many posts that I've put up here because I know that it isn't nearly enough for the amount of time that I've been on this blog, but this makes number 100! I usually don't stick with things too long except for this and the older blog.
I just really can't seem to make the time for these kinds of things. No one reads the old blog except for those mindless web crawling things that really don't interest me too much. I'm not sure if I like the idea of people I don't know reading what I write without any kind of response. I don't like that there are people out there that are just reading it and making their comments to themselves.
I'm really fighting the urge to do anything right now because I know that I'm going to be spending the rest of the afternoon trying to avoid the sun as my sugar bear and brother go fishing. I have no desire to do that. My pale Irish skin can't handle the sun and fishing. It's boring. I have picked out which of the ponds of I would like to fish at in my mind. It's split between two different sections of the place that we are going but it always seems to have the most shade and the best of the banks to sit on. That's what I'm concerned about is when your legs start to sweat and then the grass starts to stick and then I start to itch. I can't stand being all itchy and having no where to go. I already know that I will be sweaty to a point where I can't stand it. That point when the collar of your t-shirt is soaking wet and seems to be getting smaller with every breath that you take.
I am just not ready to let go of being inside. This is one of those first signs that the hot season is coming and once it comes, it stays and stays. With the exception of two terribly cold weeks winter was kind of mild which means that the bugs will be bad this year because it never got cold enough to kill them off. I'm already miserable and all I did was get dressed and put on sunscreen, because yes it is warm enough for me to get a sunburn and it's only in the 70s. We went to the zoo last Wednesday and I had a nice red necklace from the shirt that I chose to wear.
I'm sorry if this seems choppy but I'm trying to catch up on other blogs and commenting and what not. I really need someone to come and clean my house that would make me feel tons and tons better than I do right now. Everytime I get started then something happens that I can't get it finished. Or I can't get started. I have a problem with starting. Kind of a starts runs a little and then dies, any prognosises?
Love ya!
I just really can't seem to make the time for these kinds of things. No one reads the old blog except for those mindless web crawling things that really don't interest me too much. I'm not sure if I like the idea of people I don't know reading what I write without any kind of response. I don't like that there are people out there that are just reading it and making their comments to themselves.
I'm really fighting the urge to do anything right now because I know that I'm going to be spending the rest of the afternoon trying to avoid the sun as my sugar bear and brother go fishing. I have no desire to do that. My pale Irish skin can't handle the sun and fishing. It's boring. I have picked out which of the ponds of I would like to fish at in my mind. It's split between two different sections of the place that we are going but it always seems to have the most shade and the best of the banks to sit on. That's what I'm concerned about is when your legs start to sweat and then the grass starts to stick and then I start to itch. I can't stand being all itchy and having no where to go. I already know that I will be sweaty to a point where I can't stand it. That point when the collar of your t-shirt is soaking wet and seems to be getting smaller with every breath that you take.
I am just not ready to let go of being inside. This is one of those first signs that the hot season is coming and once it comes, it stays and stays. With the exception of two terribly cold weeks winter was kind of mild which means that the bugs will be bad this year because it never got cold enough to kill them off. I'm already miserable and all I did was get dressed and put on sunscreen, because yes it is warm enough for me to get a sunburn and it's only in the 70s. We went to the zoo last Wednesday and I had a nice red necklace from the shirt that I chose to wear.
I'm sorry if this seems choppy but I'm trying to catch up on other blogs and commenting and what not. I really need someone to come and clean my house that would make me feel tons and tons better than I do right now. Everytime I get started then something happens that I can't get it finished. Or I can't get started. I have a problem with starting. Kind of a starts runs a little and then dies, any prognosises?
Love ya!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Thinking things through...
It's coming on it being a year since I married my soulmate and love of my life, my sugar bear. I've been reading some of my old texts from my sugar bear and I'm sure that if I look hard enough I will find a few letters that he wrote me in the year before we got married. I am that kind of sappy person that I've held onto a dozen or so texts and a handful of letters.
I love him, I always have, and I always will.
love ya!
I love him, I always have, and I always will.
love ya!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
New month no new plans...
I've learned in the last two months that obviously I'm not any good at setting any kind of goal. I've tried more than once to start some kind of goal usually with direct reference to this blog but things seem to go by the wayside soon after I start. So this time I'm not going to say anything about what I want to do this month or what I want to do. I do plan to get some pictures up here. That is something that I really want to work on doing is taking more pictures in my everyday life because that's how you remember things when you can't remember anymore.
I do know that I'm going to have to start eating better because my pants are starting to cry when I go to put them on. There are not words to describe what is going on in my closet because I need to slim it up a little and start eating healthier. I'm trying to start with small changes like making sure that I take a vitamin everyday and drinking more water. Those are the two things that I really forget to do on a regular basis.
So maybe there are things that I will finally be able to get it out. There are too many things that have been rolling around in my mind that I really need to talk about.
Things at work are going well slow and very circular. Yes very circular, kinda like one of those wheels that a hamster runs on. There are so many things to do and then I never seem to get anything done but I'm working on it. I really really am. There are a few things that I would like to get taken care of but that doesn't really seem to happen to often. The big thing that has happened is that there has been a major influx of things coming into the shop. But that is a good sign that business is booming at least for us. It's slow going with this much stuff coming in. I'm having a hard time trying to get things out of the shop more so than coming in.
Maybe things will slow down and I will get to spend some quality time writing in the next week or so.
love ya!
I do know that I'm going to have to start eating better because my pants are starting to cry when I go to put them on. There are not words to describe what is going on in my closet because I need to slim it up a little and start eating healthier. I'm trying to start with small changes like making sure that I take a vitamin everyday and drinking more water. Those are the two things that I really forget to do on a regular basis.
So maybe there are things that I will finally be able to get it out. There are too many things that have been rolling around in my mind that I really need to talk about.
Things at work are going well slow and very circular. Yes very circular, kinda like one of those wheels that a hamster runs on. There are so many things to do and then I never seem to get anything done but I'm working on it. I really really am. There are a few things that I would like to get taken care of but that doesn't really seem to happen to often. The big thing that has happened is that there has been a major influx of things coming into the shop. But that is a good sign that business is booming at least for us. It's slow going with this much stuff coming in. I'm having a hard time trying to get things out of the shop more so than coming in.
Maybe things will slow down and I will get to spend some quality time writing in the next week or so.
love ya!
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