I don't know why but Fried Chicken has been on my mind for the last 36 hours give or take. Yeah, I know weird but it't been the thoughts that have accompanied me on my solo walk down the creaky back aisle to the bathroom. But really this is the thought that has gotten the most brain time...why when you order a large batch of fried chicken do they think that you want a whole bunch of those puny little chicken wings.
Now I'm not talking mainstream fried chicken ordering because well I will go some for some spicy Brookshire Brothers Fried Chicken any day of the week especially that first post church batch on any given Sunday. Sunday fried chicken always seems to be greasier and more flavorful than any other day of the week. Right now would be the time that I should have a picture of one of those lovely pieces of chicken. But it always saddens me that in a 10 or 12 piece order there are 5 or 6 or more of those dinky chicken wings. They just shouldn't be able to count as a whole piece. I mean when you get the oh so coveted chicken breast you know that is 1 piece. I know that in our family that even for dinner or snack people will go peaking into the chicken bag for a piece only to find those malnourished chicken wings. No one goes running through our house clutching the bag like a football so that they can get the chicken wings they do that so that they don't have to end up with a stack of chicken wings trying to make a righteous piece or two. I've never seen people at family or church potlucks get excited for chicken wings but poke through the abandoned wings for maybe a malnourished leg that could be hiding, and then they move on to the meager plates still full of pork products, settling and vowing once again to be closer to the head of the line next time.
Also it is not fried chicken if you cook it in the oven. It just isn't the same. I should be able to hear the faint echoes of grease while I wait with my plate anticipating what that piece of chicken will taste like.
Personally I like eating chicken breast but will usually forgo that piece so that my husband can have it. I will however gnaw every possible morsel of meat off of a chicken leg in a heartbeat.
love ya!
(ps I think we might be having fried chicken for dinner!!)