The more I read Mrs. Q over at Fed Up With school lunch, the more it has made me think about being in grade school. Trying to figure out if those school lunches I use to eat were really that unhealthy or if it's been in more recent years that they've headed south.
I remember that we never had food that came in a package unless it was ice cream or some kind of frozen slushie. And I know that I never ate the slushie because I never could get it open. And there were laways real trays with real utensils to eat with.
We would line up in class before we left for lunch, people who brought their lunch first and then the rest of the class in alphabetic order. We all had a number that we had to remember to say that we had eaten. There was a lady who sat at the entry to the lunch line with a legal sheet of paper with all the numbers on it and she marked out your number when you got to the door.
There was no chocolate milk until second or third grade, but we always hoped when we opened the carton that it would be chocolate. We had no concept that chocolate milk came in brown cartons.
I loved the pizza, and the days when we had steak fingers because it meant an ice cream scoop of rice sans gravy. I think that teachers got gravy but students didn't. I really wanted the gravy. To me that's the best part of mashed potatoes.
I remember that in second grade or so we transitioned to the plastic sporks. When there were carrot sticks there was no ranch dressing to be had, just plain jane carrot sticks.
I'm sure that there's more that I could wax on about but right now it's time to take a break.
love ya!
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