Friday, August 12, 2011


I wish more than anything that one day I could have good news to post here about getting a new job or buying a house but that won't be happening anytime soon. I don't know why I can't find a job and please don't anyone start on the economy kick because I have applied everywhere and can't get a callback. Then if I do get a interview which is truly a covetous thing right now, that means that you made the short list things don't always go well. Well the interview does or I think it does and then I wait and wait and then I get kinda antsy and I start bugging people and then I get a call days later or even the next week to tell me that someone else was hired. 

I really have given up. I know that I think that that shows in my interview that I feel like I've already lost the job before I'm even given a chance. I know that people always say never turn down a job interview because it gives you the experience that you will need later but really I don't plan on doing so many interviews. I want to find a job and start a steady career. That makes me sad that I keep seeing other people get jobs and I'm still stuck in that first job out of college rut that I know will not get me anywhere. I know that here twice I have been passed over for a job that would have been a step up, well actually it was the same job two different times. 

I'm trying to make lemonade out of these stupid lemons but it's starting to hurt and I just want to be given a chance and I don't understand why I haven't been given any kind of chance.

love ya!

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