I give up or in, whichever suits the situation better.
Numerous times this week I have sat down to write something and failed to do anything. I don't even remember my day off. There have been Internet issues which have ranged from having Verizon Internet that has horrible reception at my in town apartment but excellent reception at my in-laws out in the sticks. Google Chrome and Flash issues which have resorted in me calling it quits many nights on Facebook for the simple reason of not being able to play games. Yes I would rather get on Facebook and play games where I have to beg for things from my friends than actually talk to any of them or look at their pictures or just silently stalk them. I have also traded a game that very few of friends play for one that many play, that is where the Flash issue comes in. Then if I can get it loaded about three minutes in it wants to refresh.
I have been swamped at work and dealing with those things that come from being employed. I am not a fan of the holiday season because I already have issues with budgeting my time. I like the go go go of the holiday season. I think I posted earlier about that crush of go go go that starts in September and runs until March or April here at work. There was a DirecTV snafu this week which has accelerated the rush of this week. We have had customers make DirecTV employees cry which was no skin off our noses because that meant they did what they were supposed to do and called someone who could do something.
NOTE: If you have a problem with DirecTV, Verizon, Sprint, Dish Network, etc., do not go to a dealer to complain call the company. The company cares more to hear from a customer than from a dealer on behalf of a customer. But be nice. You will hopefully accomplish more through them. I have had Whirlpool customers get the part sent to them and warranty extensions for calling. That is the reward for being nice. Remember that always.
There has been educational drama. But for matters of privacy and ethics I will leave it there.
I have also just been suffering from distraction. Even this morning I was side tracked by one of those 'What were they thinking...' slide-shows on Yahoo because I have found email posting to be more effective.
I will be trying to hammer something out this afternoon in the way of a real thought provoking or mind numbing post. I haven't really decided yet.
love ya!