Today I want to talk to people who drive.
The issue: blinkers or turn signals, you're the driver you choose. But I will call them blinkers and you will listen.
They are there both out of necessity and courtesy, please use them then.
On a weekday morning during school traffic you do not fool the six cars behind you when you wait until you have reached the stop sign to turn on your blinker. We all know that you didn't all of a sudden make the decision to turn left across traffic on the main street. It is apparent that you had that decision in mind when you left your dwelling.
It is also not amusing that first of all you didn't use your blinker to let us know so that we could alter our route accordingly. I completely understand that the clicking noise is obnoxious when you are sitting in traffic but turn the radio on or speak to your fellow traveling companions.
Then again you are probably also the same people who either ride for seven blocks with your turn signal on or who do not use it until after you have applied the breaks and have started to turn into the driveway or street of your destination. They are for signaling to the rest of the world that you will either be turning or not turning. Occasionally I will use them to signal to another car on a two-way feeder that I will not be taking the ramp to get onto the freeway and that they do not have to wait on me. That being said they are also important to use when exiting. Because there are times that it is difficult to discern when a car is right lane whether they will be exiting or continuing on the freeway, and I have been known to yield and start on my way only to find out that, yes that car was exiting. That is for both directions if the feeder is two way.
love ya!
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