I haven't been on in awhile because I have been having Internet problems and I just don't have the patience to try and type anything out on my smart phone. So when I do have access I am desperately trying to catch up on Facebook and what I mean is trying to catch up on my Pioneer Trail game. Yes I am a bit of a Pioneer Trail addict, and don't you dare ask me if it is Farmville. It is not the same .
Talking about catching up means that I am trying amazingly hard to just keep up with the fact that every time I finish one quest they come out with five or six more to replace it. I am still trying to complete the ones from Halloween last year and it is almost time for those to come around again. Pretty much I am always behind where my friends are and never seem to catch up.
I just try to finish one thing at a time and go on. I think that they only things that I have finished are the Thanksgiving and Christmas quests which put me behind on the Valentine's Day, Memorial Day and all the other ones that have come out.
So just like in the rest of my life always one step behind. In other news though I am trying to get back into a groove on writing in general because that seems to be the one thing that keeps me going. I have noticed in the last ten plus years that anytime I am working on writing something I can keep my weight down and under control the minute I stop writing I gain weight. In the fifteen years since I really have felt a calling to write I have gained over 100 pounds and lost and gained some. It makes me sad to think about the fact that at five foot seven and 122 pounds I thought that I was fat. That is what society has taught us that it isn't acceptable. I am the shortest of all my cousins on both sides of my family. I come from a family where most everyone has hit the six foot mark and are long and lanky. My grandma and her six sisters all played basketball in school, so really to be five-seven and over 200 pounds is a little disappointing. I hate to just kinda start something and leave but I have a few things to get together before I have to go to bed. Hopefully again tomorrow I will get something up here, maybe talk a little more about my family. Maybe talk about writing not really sure. I am working on a new story because well I have issues with finishing a story.
love ya!