I didn't take any before pictures mainly because I do not know the present location of my camera. I have however been able to empty a few boxes of books but that is slooow going right now. I've been spending quite a bit of time stalking some human resource pages for several different school districts and that is slooow going as well.
There have been so many things going through my mind that I don't even know where to start writing about. I havn't been the best at doing a lot these last few weeks but I am trying to make more of an effort at a lot of things. Been watching a lot of Star Trek Next Generation. It does keep me from watching one of the many mind numbing reality shows that plague the airwaves now. That has been one of the many topics of conversation at work and with family. I do want to admit that I'm not completely against reality shows I do partake in Hell's Kitchen and Master Chef and I have watched a little on the Big Brother front. I have given up on the Bachelor/Bachelorette, The Amazing Race and Survivor.
I am running into a problem with finding places to put things. Hopefully I can get one wall completely painted and get some shelving on the wall to put my knick knacks on. There are a lot of things that I have planned for the next weeks or so. I'm ready for fall so that I can work in the yard. In the morning I'm going to start cleaning out the front flowerbed so that I can put in some plants that my mom bought on the clearance rack at Lowe's. They are plants that need full shade and I think the front flowerbed is the only place that they will get that. There are a few paint cans that have to be moved that are from painting the outside of the house. We still have paint the trim and paint a few more places in the eaves and behind some hedges that need to be trimmed up as well. I am going to have to start moving some furniture to finish the painting. The biggest challenge will be painting behind the tv so that we can put up a shelf that my in-laws are giving us.
love ya!