I love getting a chance to play with new technology but there are times when I just can't stand it. Today was one of those days when it all went to pot. I had to finally admit defeat and retire the new wireless keyboard at work. A coworker spilled my Dr.Pepper into it last week trying to be helpful. It was trying it's best yesterday but the home key was a sure fire way to shut it down and a few keys stuck before shutting it off. Anyway after being gifted a new one yesterday it not working stealing another computers wireless keyboard I went back to mine today and when the boss used it and it died three times on him he had it. My freedom from wires lasted just a few weeks and now I'm back to a wired keyboard.
Atleast it meant that someone else got to make it happen because I almost lost it with trying to hook it up yesterday. Maybe one day I will get another wireless keyboard that works but I'm sure I won't.
love ya!