Monday, September 28, 2009


I had planned to start doing more blogging with this new blog but my adventures in organizing my office have taken quite a bit longer than anticipated or expected. I mean I started the opening weekend of July and I still have 50 percent left to clean up. But one whole side and the back are clean. Well the back that's a different story but it's still clean for the most part.

I'd be having more luck if the guys would ever come in or if we had a mechanic. Yeah he left us high and dry with a shop that is far more disgusting than a small engine shop should be and I'm no girly girl. I mean I'm a jump right in grabbing oily chains and greasy parts to help you out but this is was more than I could stand.

I've been in and out of the office trying to find chainsaws and figure out where engines came from. I mean a whole engine brand new in the box, a bright and shining beacon in that junk yard of a shop. Now I have to deal with finding pieces of this and that to see if we can salvage or if we should just junk what's out there.

I have to find Tony, he's got my key to the shop. I don't know if he's done replacing that flywheel yet so I need to get on that. Because if we could just get that out of the shop I'd be eternally grateful. Because if that hateful woman calls me one more time yelling into the phone because she can't hear I'm going to lose it.

be back later have to run back to my office.

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