Monday, December 14, 2009


I seem to be saying sorry a lot lately.

I mean a lot of time saying sorry and it doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere.

I even have to say sorry to being gone for so long. By the time I got the want to write back I had other things to do.

I've spent the last who knows how long trying to get ready for a tent sale that made my life a living misery. It's finally over...I'm done with all the details of that...I think that I'm done. Life has almost returned to normal but I still have a helium tank in my office that I'm waiting for them to remove.

In a few days, I'm gonna have to start pulling out all the stuff that I threw in the back in a panic tot get to point B.

There are just so many things on my mind that I'm not really sure where to start or what to say. I just wish that there were an easier way to do this but there isn't, and until then I'll just blog when I can.

There was no I'm sorry for my computer crashing on my day off that lost all of my contact information for every company that we deal with. I no longer have phone numbers, contact names, account numbers, all those things that you only get from years and years of working.

The next few weeks are going to be wretched when it comes to the news. They're already doing those recap of what has happened in the last year. I don't care. I was there I do not want to remember. Michael Jackson is dead, he's not coming back. The economy is still going to do whatever it wants, good, bad, or otherwise. Time to put on the big boy pants and deal with it.

That's really what my Christmas thoughts are: "Put your big boy pants on and deal with it."

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