It is most certainly Friday and boy am I thankful for that. It has been a truly long week and having a holiday in the middle did not make it any better. I'm glad that it was a day off but it just seemed to make it that much longer before it ended. Then again that makes me wish that I worked a job that gave me a real weekend but then again I know better than to complain about having a job. I could have no job right now.
There are so many things going on right that I don't know where to start. I am still working on my 30 before 30 list which has gone by the wayside in favor of other books that I did not put on the list because they came in after I finished the list. I have started reading the Dreamhouse Kings series and I really can't wait to go out and buy the second one because the first one just seems to end all of a sudden. Then I have to go out and find the sequel to Evil Genius because it was pretty awesome and I'm not really sure where the next one is going to go because it just didn't seem wrapped up at the end.
I really shouldn't complain about a story ending and not being wrapped up at the end because I know that there are several things that I've written that just end and I ended them where I did because they just seemed to be perfect where they stood. This was also a bit of a plot device because I wanted the reader to feel the same way the character did just lost, to know the feeling issues being unresolved.
Back to the 30 before 30, I will be writing about all the books that I read just to make me work more at blogging more instead of schlepping around Facebook playing childish games that have me swamped or on Pinterest looking at things I can't afford, fit into or am too lazy to exercise or cook. Then again anyone who has been on Pinterest knows that it will suck you in and never let you go if you let it.
I am also in the process of having to move everything over from my old laptop to me new one that dear sweet Just a Boy bought me as an early birthday present. I am really loving it even though it doesn't sound like it because I just downloaded antivirus onto my computer and all that good stuff. But I will admit that Google Chrome is the most kick butt awesome thing that you can have as far as internet goes because after downloading it logging in there tonight are all of my favorites and bookmarks are there waiting for me. Passwords though are not and I have successfully locked myself out of my online bank account. So Tuesday morning I will be making a trip to the bank to see what it takes to get it unlocked. It also doesn't help that I think that there has been some kind of change to something that I was not completely aware of because the letter looked like one of those generic we will not sell your information letters you get all the time, soooo I didn't exactly read it. Then I think really by the time that I realized it I had already locked myself out and it obviously has an indefinite lock out period. Which blows and I will have to come up with a new password even though I'm not really sure which one I got wrong.
Anyway it is getting a little past my bedtime since I do have to go to work and some people have a tendency to call in sick as much as they want. I just hope that doesn't have to because since there was a holiday I don't get overtime pay but I still have 30 minutes overtime already and not really sure how that works since I don't remember being early or any of that good stuff this week. I think though I have been on time more this week because I have been dragging myself out of bed in the morning and being extremely grouchy and sluggish.
Must exercise more to keep this from happening as often but I do enjoy my sleep much more than when I am exercising. Too much work for so little sweat. It takes a ridiculous amount of anything to make me sweaty. I also sweat in the worst places like under my knees, not the backs but between the knee and the shin that is where I sweat and is really gross. Ankles are pretty sweaty too. Not too many other places sweat but then again I would have to work harder to get that to happen.
So much to do so little time to do it all.
love ya!