Thursday, October 11, 2012

The second love of my life...

The second love of my life happens to be a man with multiple faces, personalities and outfits...the Doctor.

 This is Eleven. A true Whovian doesn't have a doctor because they know that no matter what the doctor looks like he is the same man. This is the first Doctor that I met. We met in the episode Flesh and Stone it introduced me to him, Amy, Riversong and the weeping angels. I was flipping channels wait you don't flip channels when you have DirecTV, you scan the channel guide while listening to what you don't want to watch is playing in a small corner of the screen. I've seen Doctor Who in the tv guide before and thought that I would finally give it a chance, and I haven't turned back since.

I met Ten a little later again in reruns and felt the same as I did about Eleven. He seems to have good stories. I've seen him talk with Shakespeare and light the Olympic torch. I am still upset that he did not get the opportunity to actually light the torch this summer.

I haven't really taken to Nine like the others because he was only here for one season and they don't air as often. I still want to give him a chance because I think that we owe him a lot.

These are the other loves of my life. We actually used the Doctor as a reason not to go out with family when this season started. We weren't guaranteed to be home in time for Doctor Who to start so we declined the invite.

love ya!

Sources: ElevenTenNine

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