Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I wish that I had something to write about but just not feeling it right now. Would rather be doing something other than dishes and cleaning.

love ya!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Things are going a little slow this week and maybe later this week I will finish Clara and be able to write about it this weekend. Right now I am thinking seriously about getting up and doing some dishes and folding some laundry. Tomorrow I will probably need to wash some more laundry instead of letting it pile up until it takes all four machines in the laundry room to wash everything.

I also need to work on putting the food back in the cabinet. I need to get my table back so that I can sit there to work on a few different things. 

love ya!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Reading, writing and watching...

Still working on my list of books to read. Working on finishing my book on Tiffany and Clara which is starting to drag but then again every book that I read drags at some point and I stress and strain and usually put it down for a while and then come back to it. I love to read and it makes me feel good. It really is one of the few things keeping me sane right now.

Trying to work on something new with a different style than I normally use. I've been told that I rely too much on dialogue before and right now using so little dialogue makes it feel forced to me. Trying to rewrite something that I had worked on before and I'm not sure if I want to do it or make them kinda sister stories. I just start writing and see where it goes and I'm still not sure of where it is going.

Right now we're watching Ink Master and I like some of what I've seen. I'm ready for the election and the world series to be over so I can watch my shows. I'm gonna finish this up so I can spend a little bit of time looking on Pinterest at tattoos.

love ya!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The second love of my life...

The second love of my life happens to be a man with multiple faces, personalities and outfits...the Doctor.

 This is Eleven. A true Whovian doesn't have a doctor because they know that no matter what the doctor looks like he is the same man. This is the first Doctor that I met. We met in the episode Flesh and Stone it introduced me to him, Amy, Riversong and the weeping angels. I was flipping channels wait you don't flip channels when you have DirecTV, you scan the channel guide while listening to what you don't want to watch is playing in a small corner of the screen. I've seen Doctor Who in the tv guide before and thought that I would finally give it a chance, and I haven't turned back since.

I met Ten a little later again in reruns and felt the same as I did about Eleven. He seems to have good stories. I've seen him talk with Shakespeare and light the Olympic torch. I am still upset that he did not get the opportunity to actually light the torch this summer.

I haven't really taken to Nine like the others because he was only here for one season and they don't air as often. I still want to give him a chance because I think that we owe him a lot.

These are the other loves of my life. We actually used the Doctor as a reason not to go out with family when this season started. We weren't guaranteed to be home in time for Doctor Who to start so we declined the invite.

love ya!

Sources: ElevenTenNine


This may not really be the exact middle of the week I'm glad that it is almost over. Watching The Raven. So far it is pretty awesome and I like how they are working in so many of Poe's stories not just the famous ones.  I have to finish watching so we will see how it ranks.

love ya!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

30 before 30...Eat, Pray, Love

Eat Pray Love  by Elizabeth Gilbert

I know that it has been several months since I actually finished this one and well I really just haven't gotten around to putting it on here. I guess that's really it has been a few crazy months.

I had issues with this book. There was just something about this story that made me uncomfortable. This is the story of Elizabeth and her journey to find herself and recover from a devastating divorce. I struggled to read parts of this book and not for the reasons that I normally struggle with a book. I have never read words that translated into my soul more than hers, her struggles became mine. I thought about her after I closed the book at night, I put myself in her shoes, it made me think.

Her journey takes her first to Italy where she learns that there is more to life than what we Americans think. The biggest lesson that she learns is that as Americans we take the simple things in life for granted and that there are times when doing nothing is just as sweet as doing everything possible. She takes time to enjoy food at every chance she can with little regard to her pants even going as far as to struggle to zip a pair of jeans and even succumbing to buying larger ones in favor of stopping eating. Never once do you read about her going to a museum or raving on and on about the architectural wonders of Rome. That is what Americans do, we go to Europe and look at all the touristy things instead of doing what locals do and relax and enjoy.

Elizabeth hops a plane from Italy to India where she spends her time at an ashram. Anyone who has ever spent time with their own thoughts knows that can really be the devil. Being alone with your thoughts is when the devil really starts pulling out the skeletons in your closet. Some times you just get sucked in by that little voice that tears you down and that brings all those things you have buried deep down and makes you feel like poo. She suffers from demons that she doesn't always tell you about and we all respect that because I know that I wouldn't want to bring all of those things back into the light.

From there she goes to Indonesia to send time with a medicine man. To me this is where the book started to drag and I really don't remember what happened. I know that is the worst thing that I could say about a book that it started to get a little boring and I was just trying to get to the end of the book. I rushed a little and I do know that she finally found love and balance.

It was good not sure though if I would recommend it to others. I would pick the movie over the book on this one instead of the book over the movie and that never happens in my house.

love ya!


I have to admit that I have been ignoring my 30 before 30 list and have been reading a few other books and no I haven't thought about writing about those books but I will. When I started this journey I failed to realize just how close I was to 30. Basically I made a decision in the days leading up to a birthday and failed to factor that into the equation. I guess for now I will just read and see what happens. 

I am currently in the middle of a wonderful book and hope that I will be able to finish it in the next few days so that I can write about it and then I will finish writing about Eat Pray Love. I've been working on it and I just don't feel like I can do it justice. Or really that I can't do justice to how I really feel about the book and keeping it separate from what I saw in the movie.  I will admit that the movie was pretty decent if I get to see the end. But what I have seen is pretty good not sure that I would want to own the movie and I catch different parts of it on Starz from time to time but it always seems to be when I am watching something else. 

I will see you later because I have to see what is going to happen on CSI and fight the urge to flip over to Duck Dynasty which also started tonight and isn't on a second time until 1 or 2 a.m. and well that is too late to stay up if I plan to go to work tomorrow. 

love ya!

Monday, October 8, 2012


I have been working on a desperate attempt to clean my house up...mainly because I am sick of getting crap from the exterminator about the ants that my dirty apartment leads to the ants that live in my bathtub and among my shoes in my closet. Yeah you heard me that dirty downstairs leads to ants in the closet and the bathtub.

So my first goal was to get the dining room table cleaned off which happened. Mainly because I put things in new piles on the floor because I can't part with magazines that I haven't read and I keep thinking that I may do something crafty with or donate them to something. Yeah they will probably just will end up sitting on the floor until I put them in a box and carry them to another place. I had three years of Teen Vogue in my cabinets when I left my mom's house so I keep magazines for way longer than I should.

Anyway, after all the stress of working on the table I immediately covered it up with every once of food that is in my kitchen so that I could assess the contents of my pantry. And well I have the following:

8 pounds of sugar
4 pounds of brown sugar
2 1/2 jars of molasses
10 cans of peaches
1 dozen packs of ramen noodles
3 boxes of assorted crackers
3 dozen cans of green beans, corn and other canned vegetables

Everything is now on the table and meals are now decided based on whatever is the most accessible. I did throw away some popcorn that said 2009, a box of out of date fake pop tarts, some mixed nuts that my mom gave me after my wedding, jar of macadamia nuts that are from the dollar store so no telling how old they were to start with. A can of sweetened condensed milk or evaporated milk, I'm not really sure it was so old that it wasn't worth looking for a date on because it is the old style of Wal-Mart labeling from before they went to the solid white labels. It was a rejected can from my mother's pantry. I still haven't gotten fully into the cooking thing because I have a tiny kitchen and one day when it is clean I will have to post a picture of it.

There are still dishes all over the place and all my canisters are open and in need of cleaning because of a fish tank accident. They may have a rubber seal on them but that does not make them waterproof. I will try to be on here as much as possible over the next few weeks as much as my internet will allow. Gotta keep my options open.

love ya!

One week out and feeling blue..

It has been a little over a week since the companions have made their exit and I might be ready to talk about it. I just really haven't had the words to say what I feel about Amy and Rory no longer being the companions. Of course the only thing that I could think really think of was if Rory and Amy died in the 1930s in New York then how did Amy ever meet the Doctor?  Isn't that one of those things that messes up the entire time stream or really I guess it doesn't matter because the Doctor says that time is not linear.

I'm going to miss them. I really am going to miss them. I think when you're a Whovian I don't think that you are defined by your doctor, I think that you are defined by your companion. I really haven't been a fan of any of the other companions up until Amy and Rory, I liked the dynamic that they've created. Amy balances out Rory and together they balance out the Doctor.

I'm not a little sad about the mid-season finale of Warehouse 13, I already miss Leena. I am still emotionally unavailable because of this mid-season break. I will feel my lonely heart with books and cleaning the house.

love ya!