For the life of me there is no fixing my hair. It just doesn't work. I have truly fine hair. When I say that it is not my opinion it has been expressed by every stylist who has ever touched my hair. So unless there are copious amounts of hair spray and bobby pins it will not hold a hair style.
Make up doesn't happen. It just doesn't. Maybe some lip gloss rarely some lipstick but mostly I just wipe it off because I feel self conscious.
Sparklers. There's something about handing me a flaming stick and then telling me to be careful that doesn't make me very trusting. Only in the last few months have my husband and mom gotten me to do snaps and champagne poppers. Those are usually left for little kids to play with. I don't even want you to get close to me if you have sparklers.
Cartwheels. I'm truly afraid of getting hurt. I understand the mechanics of how to do it. I've seen them done. I've attempted them but I've been for more successful at doing a headstand than any attempt at a cartwheel.
I'm sure that there are a few more things that should go on this list but I really can't think of many more right now.
love ya!
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