I guess that means that I really shouldn't be on here if I can't even remember from one night to the next what I want to write about. I do know that there will be posts in the coming months about getting into the house and making it a home, because no matter how hard you try an apartment is a house, a place to stay; an apartment is just not home no matter how you slice it. I have a few pictures that were part of the appraisal but until we sign the papers I'm not going to be put anything online.
I know that we will have to paint in some of the rooms but that isn't anything that will happen before we move in. I know that the 'bonus' room will have great potential. I'm thinking some kelly green paint on the top half of the wall to complement the brown paneling because if you pull down the paneling there will be demo but then much more than painting. A chair rail and then green on top because I think that kelly green and dark brown will look good together.
I will have a kitchen with cabinets and I will be able to change my mind in. Open the stove and fridge at the same time.
love ya!
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