I am currently a department coordinator and a teacher on the side. (And currently looking for a job.) This job entails a lot of out of the box thinking and this is not the first person that I've trained or attempted to train and that has always been the biggest problem. People can't think outside of the box.
But what I was thinking is why isn't there a class in high school that teaches you real world skills? Skills like how to fill out a job application. It would have been great to know how to understand insurance or at least what to do if you need to call insurance. Things that you shouldn't have to always be calling your parents about.
Basic phone skills would be a nice thing to teach people. There are just so many things that they don't really teach you in school because they are too busy trying to make sure that you pass the tests. I've been thinking on these things at work because it is frustrating trying to teach someone how to do a job when they won't think outside of the box. Some basic workplace survival skills would be nice. How to use a fax machine, printer, copier, scanners those kind of things. It would be nice to not come in on Monday to see that some time on Saturday afternoon someone jammed the printer and just left it. Installing and updating software on a computer.
Guidance on how to use the Internet to do research. Or just how to do a search on the Internet.
I know that these are skills that not everyone will need in the future but they are helpful. There are just skills that you need that you get out of high school or college and you don't have them. Not everyone knows how to type anymore and that is a skill that is nice to have. I know that writers have this skill or you would hope that they would because that has to be hard to do just huntin' and peckin'. It seems that I've lost steam on this topic and usually that means I have to call it quits.
love ya!