There have just been a lot of things going on with it being the beginning of the summer. It has pretty much been open season on teacher openings in the area. I have seen so many go up and just a few come down off the lists. There are over 100 openings in a local district and even in a small district a little further away there are 6 openings. When I say that it is a small school the entire district is in one building, one principal, one classroom per grade in one single hall, it is small.
I haven't been hearing my phone ring a lot with them begging me to come interview with them but I am hoping that will pick up next week. I know that one district has a board meeting on Monday and they may be waiting until they have finalized any remaining contracts. I know that in one or two they are waiting to see if any teachers want to chage grades before they start offering and interviewing.
So for anyone who wants to keep their fingers crossed.
I have been sending emails. Hoping that one of them will get me an interview. It would be better if the principals would stop changing which means the one that I emailed is not the one making the decisions. I guess there are things that I can't change and I will just have to deal with that.
see ya!
love ya!
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