Oh yes I am trying desperately to catch up with the missions that I have in there and it kills me when I finish one only for it to be replaced by one more and it is even worse when you get two or three more. I just want to get them finished. Right now I am trying to plant a whole mess of crops since I can sit here and watch them grow, harvest, and then plant more. I've got the day off and then all day tomorrow. It is wonderful. Of course I still have a deco mesh wreath that I haven't even thought about that I should be handing over tomorrow as a present. There are clothes to be folded. More presents to be wrapped. I haven't even done anything with my hair that I washed this morning. There are mountains of dishes to be washed and well I just don't want to stick my hands in the sink. I wish that the dishwasher could unload the dishes more than anything.
I have paid the bills so that is a plus at this point. I have to decided if I have enough of the presents ready for tomorrow but I am probably wrong. I am also trying to empty the DVR while there is time to watch instead of indiscriminately deleting things. There are 20+ episodes of Doctor Who and some of them are episodes that I haven't seen before. I wish that the DVR would reorder the episodes by air date instead of just when they were recorded. A few weeks ago I was watching Star Trek and watched a whole episode that made no sense only to find out that for some reason it had recorded the first part at a later time than the second part. It was a little frustrating because I didn't know that I should watch the other one first. BBC America also has a tendency to show the first part of a to be continued episode and then a week later show the second half. There is one episode with David Tennant that it took me almost a month to see the second half of because of when they were airing the episodes.
The real problem that I have with Pioneer Trail on Facebook is that some times it will all of a sudden tell you that there is an error and need to reload and then it will reset what you were doing. There are times when this may work to your advantage but for the most part it does not work to mine. I have harvested crops, had the error pop up and then I can't get it to load. The next day I log on and see all the crops were not harvested and are now dead and brown. And hell if I can ever get my 'neighbors' to come and help me unwither my crops.
I also am so excited to see the new episode of the Doctor tomorrow night. To meet yet another new doctor. I'm a little sadden that this is Matt Smith's final episode but I know that it means new adventures.
I have to get up now and do some work or I will be in trouble later.
love ya!
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