Friday nights are the hardest beacuse we have to work on Saturdays. So when I would rather spend the next few hours watching tv and doing crazy things until the wee hours of the morning and sleeping in for most of a glorious Saturday I have to go to bed and get up early. It is a nice drive to work because I don't have to deal with any kind of school traffic.
I am hoping to start reading a bit more this year and more than just the 30 books that I want to read and need to get on very quickly. I like to read, it just soothes my soul and I need that right now. There are a lot of other things that I need to get done but haven't gotten there. Need to get ready to file my taxes. Hoping that I get a good amount back so that we can pay off our car. That is what we are planning to do or atleast get close to it so that we can pay off the rest of our bills and then pay off our house pretty quickly. I can't stand the thought of that hanging over us for 30 more years. I would like to have fun in my older age instead of worrying about paying off the house when I'm close to 60. (Yikes!) I'm a little glad that we didn't put it off any longer than we did or we'd be pushing back retirement just to get the house paid off, that is if we live in a time where we can retire. I'm sure that pretty soon a generation will have to work until they drop dead. So with that morbid thought I will leave you.
love ya!
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