Saturday, May 16, 2015

Let's make a list...

There are a few things I'm ready to stop seeing on my social media feeds.

  • Cakes things in Jars--I seriously can't imagine that there are really as many uses for glass jars as we give them. But seriously I can't stand to see those stupid rainbow cakes in a glass jar. We get it you can make cake in jars. You can put cocktails in jars. You can put buttons in jars. You can put jars in the recycle bin.
  • Mug cakes--I don't know how people can eat those things. I've tried and failed many times to consume one. I've even tried different kinds and I just don't have the palate for them. I find them under cooked or super rubbery if you let them cool too much.
  • You'll be so amazed when this x does x with x videos--I can't stand watching a 5 minute video that could have been summed up with two sentences underneath the YouTube box.
  • People doing things because they will get all kinds of media attention instead of doing it out of the goodness of who they --I know that some of these people are honestly doing it as a good person but I can't believe that there are really that many people doing it for that reason. 
  • Big bare pregnant bellies--No one truly wants to see you in a pair of jeans and a sports bra/crop top and a humongous pregnant belly hanging out.Well I guess if you have a fetish like that you might but I don't. 
  • Fat shaming/skinny shaming--This one is such a sticky situation because it goes so much deeper than just the shaming.You tell a skinny girl that she shouldn't put up bikini pics and praise a fat girl for doing the same. They are showing the same amount of skin, covering the same areas of their bodies but we treat them completely different like one is shameful and the other is brave.
  • Sarcasm that I'm not sure is sarcasm--We've all been there when we a status and we just aren't sure whether it is serious or not because we all have that one person. Also don't dress people down who can't identify sarcasm. Someone get to creating a sarcasm font that is discernible from italics, you know something professional looking and workplace appropriate.
  • Speaking of statuses--I'm so sick of the ones that if you comment then you have to repost them or do something silly if you like them. I just click like to acknowledge that I'm not dead or missing or that I understand. No I don't like that a relative died but I've been there I know the feeling.
  • I miss X they've been gone X years, X months and X days--I understand sadness and mourning but I don't want to be bombarded by that on Facebook. I want to see funny cat videos and pictures of friends and family being happy. Keep it to a minimum but I have recently had times where there were 10 or 12 posts on my feed about missing a loved one or pet. That really doesn't make me want to bounce out of the bed in the morning.
  • Adjectives used out of context.--Buy a dictionary and look words up to see if what they mean is what you are really wanting to tell people. Being of a certain size running around in a bikini doesn't make you brave, brave are people who run into burning buildings. The ones who put their lives on the line for freedom. People who are barely old enough to vote and far too young to drink walking a patrol to keep people safe.
Oh by the way Happy Armed Forces Day!

love ya!

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