Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The carnival ride....

Yesterday was one of those days when I really wanted to know when the carnival ride would be over because it seemed to start before I got to the time clock and didn't end until almost ten minutes after five. I hate when the day before I'm off is like that because it only has a certain ending. It will end with me walking into my office tomorrow there will be paper work everywhere. There will be open boxes with packing slips everywhere. I will have no idea what my techs are going to be doing. I will have no pens even the ones that I have brought to my desk. I will have no tape and probably no box cutter. And there will be a lecture about keeping my office clean from the man who cleans his desk off once a month and stashes it all over the store. I can't really think about it right now. I try not to let it ruin my day off and my nights. We've been on a Grey's Anatomy marathon and we are almost to the last disc of season two. It has been a lesson in craziness. But it was just one of those days where I think everyone wished they has worked through lunch so that we could close at four. Then of course when five o'clock came I was still in the middle of trying to get things done. I had to sit and wait for a customer's son to call and he never called and because of that I didn't get that much done. So at five when I was trying to shut down I had to stop and retype a fax order form and a few other things. Resending an email because I am being ignored by one of my reps so I send it to his work and personal email and I will send it everyday until I get a response or he comes in. love ya!

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