I'm not sure if anything will come of it but I've been toying with the idea of what I wanted write recently. I hope that by writing in November I will be able to work on a 'novel' and then in December work on some of the stuff that I've been working on for years. In the past I've look at the self publishing options on Amazon I think and that makes me feel more comfortable about trying to get a book out there.
I really need to workk on my giant fruit for the bulletin board so that I can get it up on Wednesday since I'd meant to do that for the last three weeks and all I've accomplished is cutting out a stack of purple circles to make a bunch of grapes. Then I got the rest of the construction paper but I left it on the shelf and then that was the end of the fruit for last week.
I need to look at bills or go to the bank to put some money in there but then I'd have to pay the bills and that freaks me out right this second.
We took baby girl to get the last of her shots and then a rabies shot so that she's all good to go. Of course the lethargy that they may cause lasted a whole total of twenty minutes. I had to almost drag her out of the pet store because she wants to be friends with every other puppy that she meets. Then once she was in the car it was almost smooth sailing. We are still working on her getting any kind of traction on smooth laminate flooring. It is truly fun to watch her freak out because she can't go anywhere. She also was in rocket dog mode because she finally figured out how to get on the couch and now she goes back and forth from being on the couch to off the couch and back and forth no problem. She nailed me in the jaw on one of them, it didn't even register what she had done.
love ya!