I am an ISTJ. Instorverted, sensing, thinking, judging.
I'm not sure what I scored the last time that I took the test though it has been in the last year. Most people don't change their personality types but it has been known to happen. Of course I also know that you shouldn't sit down all at once to take this kind of test because obviously there is a pattern. After you figure that pattern out you are more easily able to manipulate your scores. When I took the PBT I didn't notice if there were any kinds of patterns to the test. I guess if there were they were much more subtle than ones that I've seen in the past. I know that the love languages test is easy to manipulate because they aren't as much yes or no questions like this online exam as they were actual responses.
I am a person who watches what is going on, not so that I know who will be easily maniuplated but so that I have a better understanding of the people around me, which in turn means that I learn how to manipulate them. Each person is manipulated differently which is also where learning the different kinds of love languages applies. Oh crap do I feel like a terrible person talking about manipulating people. This is probably part of why I'm so introverted. I don't want people to know how to read me. I will go into yes/no mode in a heart beat if I feel threatened.
When you watch people you learn what to expect from people and to me that does make a difference in what happens. I want to know what I can come to expect from the people that I work and interact with. I want to know which people will want to hear about what I did over the weekend and which people just want me to leave them alone until after they've had their coffee. I'm the second I want you to leave me alone until I've had my coffee even though I don't drink coffee. I have a routine and until I've gotten to a certain point in that routine you shouldn't speak to me. So it really screws my whole day over to come to work and have someone waiting to talk to me. I haven't gotten the air on in my office, my computer isn't up and running, there's no money in drawer and I do not like making change unless I have a chance to count all of it first. I need to go in my office and talk to her and let her know that I'm there and that things are going to be okay.
I know I'm one of those creepers that talks to their inanimate objects like it makes a difference and you better believe that it does. Never in the history of electronics has it done any good to fuss at them and tell them that you're going to throw them in the trash or kick them. Show that printer a little love and talk nice to it and it will work ten times better than if you start smacking it around. Unless it is the copier in my office. I can go to the bathroom before that dinosaur will get warmed up to make a copy and if you fill the paper tray more than half full it won't work. It completely freaks out and starts panicking and saying that it is jammed and you be damned to find one piece of paper stuck in that thing.
love ya!
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