I know that my last post was written in a state of brokeness and despair but I have moved on from that place and to help facilitate this move I am hoping to complete this. I happened to stumble onto it from another blog on my phone the other morning and have spent a bit of time looking for it on my laptop only to throw 'September blog challenge' into a Google search and it be one of the top topics.
I really don't feel like getting into the details of that pit of despair that I was in because I am trying to move on from there and need a positive start. That positive start will begin tomorrow morning when I wake my husband up and send him to work while I stay home. Now I know to most people that isn't a big deal but since the Wednesday after our wedding we have been getting up and going to work together, yes we worked together. That all ended Saturday. I am in the process of transitioning into teaching and need a few days to just decompress and relax before I start that job (also I am still waiting on HR to finish up all the paperwork to prove I'm not a crazy.). But I didn't want to go into this like I did student teaching where I had Labor Day off then started teaching five days a week, going into my job on Saturday and then working on Sundays at a part time job for twelve weeks straight. I ended up with multiple kidney stones and nearly got pneumonia.
I am looking at my living room and thinking about all the things that I need to do like finish painting and unloading boxes. Watch some more stuff off the DVR. Finish watching the first season of King of the Hill. Pay some bills but that makes my stomach turn right now and I'm not sure where all the bills are located at this point.
I'm gonna try to start going through some things in my bonus room so that I can see progress basically meaning throwing stuff away. That is how I feel progress throwing things away.
The reason for the blogging challenge is that I need to push myself to start writing again. There are files and notebooks languishing away, calling me back to them. I also have dozen of paperback and hardback children that are calling to me and there just aren't enough hours in the day to take care of all of them.
I may get a head start on looking at tomorrow's topic.
love ya!
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