Monday, February 11, 2013


Music--an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony and color.

I love that definition of music. I had never really thought about what music would mean. Really have you ever thought about how to describe music to someone. Not a type of music but what music actually is. 

I live in a world where it seems quite lonely and sad without music. I am a huge fan of Pandora and usually have it playing almost all day long in my office. If you don't have Pandora you should seriously look into it. Radio at its best because you personalize the stations that you listen to. Either by picking a song that you like or by picking an artist or group. You tell it whether you like a song or not, put songs on the shelf if they play too often and every once in awhile you listen to a short commercial. I tell you about this just because I love music and I love to listen to it. This is also the only way I can combat the insane amount of Christmas music I must endure at work during the Halloween to New Year's period.

Music speaks to my soul. It can take me back in time without me ever moving an inch. It can make me quite moody and then make me happier than anything as I bask in the trip down memory lane. The sound of this one is a little haunting to me. 

I am going to try to leave you with a video but my internet is going a little wonky.

love ya!

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