awhile or I will write several posts over the next few days.
I really didn't have any goals when I graduated from high school. I didn't have a ten year plan or even a five year plan. I knew that I wanted to go to college but that was about it. So I really can't say that I'm not where I want to be if I had no plan to start with.
I'm not unhappy with my life. I just don't feel like I've done enough. I live in apartment. I haven't paid off my college loans. I am still at the first job I had out of that isn't a bad thing, I have a job that helps pay the bills.
I have a loving husband. I have a car that is paid off. I have a family that loves me. I'm in a limbo that I've created for myself. I am neither moving forward or backward. I just know that there is more to life than what I have done. It makes me realize that some times we are our on biggest enemy. I know that is something that so many people have said over many years but it is so true. Maybe because it has been said so many times that we don't realize how true it is.
I know that I have to stop bullying myself. I have to stand up for what I want in life. I have to take control of my life and take control.
Ten years have come and gone and the next ten years I hope are going to be so much better. I have to leave you with a little music and this kinda conveys what I'm feeling right now.
So I'm not really into actually posting videos on here I hope the one above works. If not check out the song My Next 30 Years by Tim McGraw.
love ya!
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