It has been a while since I was on here but I thought that I had to just maybe end of the year on a positive. Not that I have one but I just wanted to make sure that I got on here to wrap up the year.
It has been a long year full of ups and downs. But I know that tomorrow starts a new page and a new chapter in the book that we call life. Some books are shorter than others. Some are greater than others but all are worth the pages that they are written on. Make this chapter worth reading.
I have recently had a strange aversion to Facebook. I'm not saying that I never get on the book, I spend quite a bit of time on there but not keeping up with people, playing games. I hate the way that people spend all this time using it as a way to talk and communicate with their loved ones.
Grow up and pick up the phone and call people. It almost seems like a way for people to say that they want to be your friend without ever having to be around you and to me that seems so ingenuine. I also hate all the trash that people put on there and it varies from person to person.
I also don't really care to see how people use it to spread their agendas. I have taken to deleting people when they start to post things that I find offensive especially if they continue to put it on there. Once is okay but if you want to keep spewing your hatred on Facebook I will choose to remove you from my friends. I have also blocked people because they don't seem to understand that I've chosen to remove them from my friends because of their views.
I hope that this will change in the coming weeks but I know that I will see people start to put all of that mess about New Year's resolutions on there. Promising to change the way that they are eating and acting only to fall out of many of those habits before the end of January.
There are so many things I should be doing right now instead of blogging and playing Pioneer Trail.
Oh yes I am trying desperately to catch up with the missions that I have in there and it kills me when I finish one only for it to be replaced by one more and it is even worse when you get two or three more. I just want to get them finished. Right now I am trying to plant a whole mess of crops since I can sit here and watch them grow, harvest, and then plant more. I've got the day off and then all day tomorrow. It is wonderful. Of course I still have a deco mesh wreath that I haven't even thought about that I should be handing over tomorrow as a present. There are clothes to be folded. More presents to be wrapped. I haven't even done anything with my hair that I washed this morning. There are mountains of dishes to be washed and well I just don't want to stick my hands in the sink. I wish that the dishwasher could unload the dishes more than anything.
I have paid the bills so that is a plus at this point. I have to decided if I have enough of the presents ready for tomorrow but I am probably wrong. I am also trying to empty the DVR while there is time to watch instead of indiscriminately deleting things. There are 20+ episodes of Doctor Who and some of them are episodes that I haven't seen before. I wish that the DVR would reorder the episodes by air date instead of just when they were recorded. A few weeks ago I was watching Star Trek and watched a whole episode that made no sense only to find out that for some reason it had recorded the first part at a later time than the second part. It was a little frustrating because I didn't know that I should watch the other one first. BBC America also has a tendency to show the first part of a to be continued episode and then a week later show the second half. There is one episode with David Tennant that it took me almost a month to see the second half of because of when they were airing the episodes.
The real problem that I have with Pioneer Trail on Facebook is that some times it will all of a sudden tell you that there is an error and need to reload and then it will reset what you were doing. There are times when this may work to your advantage but for the most part it does not work to mine. I have harvested crops, had the error pop up and then I can't get it to load. The next day I log on and see all the crops were not harvested and are now dead and brown. And hell if I can ever get my 'neighbors' to come and help me unwither my crops.
I also am so excited to see the new episode of the Doctor tomorrow night. To meet yet another new doctor. I'm a little sadden that this is Matt Smith's final episode but I know that it means new adventures.
I have to get up now and do some work or I will be in trouble later.
The artic gates have opened and it is colder than sin around here. It was 28 degrees when I got in the car this morning to go to work and was standing at the time clock before six a.m., yes that is early for us. We work normal 8-5, 6 day a week retail. We have no fancy weekly sales or deals, we have one large sale the first Saturday in December during regular store hours and that is it.
I am probably in need of going back to bed fairly soon but I have to finish watching last night's Grimm. I didn't get a chance to watch it because I was baking for my co-workers. There are a lot of things going on right now and I just need to relax with what is left of my glass of wine and the tv. Must empty out the DVR we are getting close to half full and there are just so few hours in the day.
I haven't been on here in the last few weeks because I've been trying to unsuccessfully participate in NaNoWriMo and well that isn't going very well. With less than three days to go I'm 15,000 words behind the ultimate goal of 50,000 words.
Just wanted to get on here and say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
I hate coming up with something to blog about when I don't have a chance to write it down because I sit down at my computer and everything goes completely blank.
Of course I mainly have a chance to think at night before I fall asleep. My biggest goal right at this point is to try and figure out what to get everyone for Christmas. I keep getting my list together but it falls apart before I can finish making it.
I would also like to get my living room clean but that is going slow because I don't have any kind of storage. I really would like a nice piece for storage in my living room but that isn't going to happen any time soon. From what my husband says there isn't a lot of space in the attic and I don't know what I would be able to put up there. Storage is just kinda sparse in the house and I am not going to get a storage unit for anything that I have, it will just have to fit in the house that I have or well I don't need it.
I keep thinking that I'm going to start exercising but I'm just lazy. I hate getting hot and sweaty and I don't like how uncomfortable it feels when my heart rate starts to rise. I always feel terrible after exercising and that just sets everything off on a bad course. I don't understand how people can get up at the crack of dawn and go for a run or go exercise it just makes me feel icky and want to go to sleep.
There are so many things going on right now and I'm just not sure where I should start.
I'm really in the midst of a set of opening and closing doors and out of fear and stuck in almost an antichamber to these doors. I'm surrounded by all of these doors that are opening and closing and I don't know which ones I should be going to or if I should just stay where I am. I know that there are options in life for a reason but as of lately I've become a little gun shy of trying to change what I'm about and it scares me. There are so many things out there that are possibilities that I'm not ready for and it hurts so much.
I know that my thoughts aren't totally coherent right now but that just is how I feel. And the most frustrating thing I keep running into right now is the whole "I can't tell you what to do." That isn't a helpful statement. Please keep that in mind as you move forward with your decsion making.
Love is one of those words that means so much to so many people.
It has really come up lately more in the some times you just do it because it is what is right. That love that you show your family. The getting up at the crack of dawn on your day off to go do something. Or going day after day to the hospital to sit with a loved one just so that they aren't there by themself.
1 John 3:18 "My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth."
The basis of this is on a shirt that my brother gave me that says "Love is the action."
That has been speaking to me a lot this week that that is how we should love those around us not by what we say but what we do for those around us. That really starts to hit home as we start the downhill trek towards Christmas and we see so much that we don't want to.
We will watch on the day after Thanksgiving as people push and shove and fight over cheap laptops and big screen tvs and it makes me sad. I can't even say less than 24 hours after the day where we are supposed to talk about all the things that we are thankful for are people so angry and hostile.
My goal for the remainder of this year is to show love more than I have in the last few months. To start to renew some hope in the human race. To remind people that there are still a few souls out there that are willing to do something not because of what they will get in the end but because they know at heart that they should love all no matter what.
And I promise that I am trying to work on my 30 before 30 list. I may have to pull it up and see what I should start trying to read.
So far this week, I've gotten my dogs hooked on Ritz Crackers and mini marshmallows.
Yep Ritz Crackers. To the point where baby girl grabbed the open stick of crackers off the back of the couch and ran off with them. Of course my dogs aren't the brightest. I watched baby boy run around with a ravioli stuck to his back.
There are a whole mess of things that I need to get done. Like washing the dishes. My kitchen is starting to look like one of those Febreze commercials minus the garbage which I need to put out since they pick up tomorrow. Luckily we are late enough on the route to be able to put it out as we head out the door.
I just have to make it to Saturday to work on my house for two whole days off!
I'm trying to kick my writing into gear in October so that I can really sit down and whip out something in November which is National Novel Writing Month. I'm so excited that I remembered it in time this year. Usually it is half way through the month before I either read about it or remember. Of course I thought that it was in October so that was what prompted me to look it up.
I'm not sure if anything will come of it but I've been toying with the idea of what I wanted write recently. I hope that by writing in November I will be able to work on a 'novel' and then in December work on some of the stuff that I've been working on for years. In the past I've look at the self publishing options on Amazon I think and that makes me feel more comfortable about trying to get a book out there.
I really need to workk on my giant fruit for the bulletin board so that I can get it up on Wednesday since I'd meant to do that for the last three weeks and all I've accomplished is cutting out a stack of purple circles to make a bunch of grapes. Then I got the rest of the construction paper but I left it on the shelf and then that was the end of the fruit for last week.
I need to look at bills or go to the bank to put some money in there but then I'd have to pay the bills and that freaks me out right this second.
We took baby girl to get the last of her shots and then a rabies shot so that she's all good to go. Of course the lethargy that they may cause lasted a whole total of twenty minutes. I had to almost drag her out of the pet store because she wants to be friends with every other puppy that she meets. Then once she was in the car it was almost smooth sailing. We are still working on her getting any kind of traction on smooth laminate flooring. It is truly fun to watch her freak out because she can't go anywhere. She also was in rocket dog mode because she finally figured out how to get on the couch and now she goes back and forth from being on the couch to off the couch and back and forth no problem. She nailed me in the jaw on one of them, it didn't even register what she had done.
Oh poo! I had really big plans for this last month but they went to pot along with a few dreams, but I'm over that.
Things don't always go the way that you want and I've been bouncing a few ideas around about what to do but it always comes back to two things...reading and writing. I know that in the last week I've read right at four books and no they weren't picture books. I do know that it takes about two hours of straight reading to read a Nancy Drew novel.
Those are some of my favorite books to read and I started reading those in the second grade. For twenty plus years those have been beloved friends. I was a little disappointed when I started reading about the series and to know that some of them have been ghost written. I also noticed in one that I started last night that Nancy is now a strawberry blonde.
This week has been a truly long week and I hope that this one coming up isn't since I will be rewarded with a Saturday off and as of now have no plans for how I'm gonna spend it. I should spend it finishing up some boxes and going through my clothes since sweater weather is approaching and I don't know where any of mine are.
I have determined over the last few days that 3 o'clock has to be the most insufferable time of the day.
That of course is just my opinion but if you really think about it in the grand scheme of working a 9-5 job it is terrible. First it is smack dab in the middle of the afternoon which means that is about the time your lunch has started to fade and it is really a little too late to have much of a snack. This food timing is only made worse by going to lunch at eleven because you drew the short straw.
If you're like me some times you indulge a little too much at lunch and are a little miserable when you come back. So around three is usually the time that I've either finally found my motivation or I've finally gotten everything cleaned up from lunch. Some times where I work things blow up between 11 and 1 or 2 depending on how many people are working, but if there is someone at lunch it will go crazy. So if you've finally found that motivation, depending on the size of the project you really can't start it.
Personally I hate to get in the middle of a project before I have to leave work. I want to be able to sit down and finish what I'm working on and not have it hanging over my head. I don't like leaving some of the little details on the table, I want it to be finished just in case something were to happen to me. I hate to think in such a negative light but I want to be honest with the fact that I know that tomorrow is no guarantee.
It is almost as bad as 10am. That goes about the same way except that at 11 my boss goes to lunch and then it goes downhill from there. He goes to lunch, then I go when he comes back and then when I get back there are a bunch of things that probably need to get wrapped up and then it's three and there is really no coming back from there. Then there is this horrible drag from about 4:15 to 4:40. Then all of a sudden you find your groove and then all of a sudden you look up, there are no lights on and it's after five.
So tomorrow at 3 if you just aren't feeling it, know that you aren't alone.
I've taken the Briggs-Myers Test before and I know that I'm an introvert. Of course anyone who has spent time with me would also know that. I can't for the life of me tell you what I scored the last time that I took the test but I do know that my husband and I scored about 7 points apart when we took the test after getting married.
I am an ISTJ. Instorverted, sensing, thinking, judging.
I'm not sure what I scored the last time that I took the test though it has been in the last year. Most people don't change their personality types but it has been known to happen. Of course I also know that you shouldn't sit down all at once to take this kind of test because obviously there is a pattern. After you figure that pattern out you are more easily able to manipulate your scores. When I took the PBT I didn't notice if there were any kinds of patterns to the test. I guess if there were they were much more subtle than ones that I've seen in the past. I know that the love languages test is easy to manipulate because they aren't as much yes or no questions like this online exam as they were actual responses.
I am a person who watches what is going on, not so that I know who will be easily maniuplated but so that I have a better understanding of the people around me, which in turn means that I learn how to manipulate them. Each person is manipulated differently which is also where learning the different kinds of love languages applies. Oh crap do I feel like a terrible person talking about manipulating people. This is probably part of why I'm so introverted. I don't want people to know how to read me. I will go into yes/no mode in a heart beat if I feel threatened.
When you watch people you learn what to expect from people and to me that does make a difference in what happens. I want to know what I can come to expect from the people that I work and interact with. I want to know which people will want to hear about what I did over the weekend and which people just want me to leave them alone until after they've had their coffee. I'm the second I want you to leave me alone until I've had my coffee even though I don't drink coffee. I have a routine and until I've gotten to a certain point in that routine you shouldn't speak to me. So it really screws my whole day over to come to work and have someone waiting to talk to me. I haven't gotten the air on in my office, my computer isn't up and running, there's no money in drawer and I do not like making change unless I have a chance to count all of it first. I need to go in my office and talk to her and let her know that I'm there and that things are going to be okay.
I know I'm one of those creepers that talks to their inanimate objects like it makes a difference and you better believe that it does. Never in the history of electronics has it done any good to fuss at them and tell them that you're going to throw them in the trash or kick them. Show that printer a little love and talk nice to it and it will work ten times better than if you start smacking it around. Unless it is the copier in my office. I can go to the bathroom before that dinosaur will get warmed up to make a copy and if you fill the paper tray more than half full it won't work. It completely freaks out and starts panicking and saying that it is jammed and you be damned to find one piece of paper stuck in that thing.
So a little bit of advice to pass along. I don't really have a lot of good advice that I've heard but I'll throw what I do have out there and see what sticks.
I have no right to pass this one on having no kids of my own but it is a great idea. I have been the victim at 28 of cutting my own nails too short and man it hurts like something else. So imagine someone who can't tell you that it was too far and that it hurt.
Instead of clipping your newborns nails file them. This eliminates the chances of clipping too far.
Everyone has experience with this next one.
Don't tell lies, because no one is good enough to remember everything that they've said.
Personally my thoughts on lying are that I never have anything to gain by lying to someone. Even when I do I tell them that I can't gain anything and tell the truth. Which will blow a professor right out of the water if you tell them what you think of their class, bonus points for a straight face when you say it.
I don't really care for lying because it realy never benefits me. It always makes me look foolish.
I'm not really sure if I don't retain advice or if it just isn't something that is doled out too often in the places I stay. The real reason is probably that there are too many articles of bad advice that I don't want to share because you shouldn't share bad advice.
Pie makes everything better...actually gravy does but I don't have a picture of gravy but I do have a picture of a mock strawberry pie.
If I could take three months off from this life I would spend it in Europe.
I know how cliche it sounds to say that I want to go to Europe but that is what I'd do. Spend three months riding trains around Europe enjoying the beautiful countryside and touring museums. I'd spend a week or two with my cousins in Macedonia because I haven't seen them in over a year and it will be atleast another year and a half before they are back stateside for awhile.
I want to look at the works of the masters. See Venice and the canals even though I have a complete fear of water. See the tulips in bloom in Holland because those have to be some of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen.
I just want the chance to see where history happened. Where religions were divided. Where peoples were divided and cultures disappeared. To walk where history happened. For me there is only so much that reading about a place can do for me, what I need to do is witness it for myself, to feel that pain in the pit of my stomach that movies like Schindler's List and Captain Corelli's Mandolin give me while I'm there becoming a witness to the atrocities of war. I feel that going to these places makes it real for me, reminds me that there are so many worse things than the pities of my own life. I will never forget the feeling of seeing all those shoes at the National Holocaust Museum. To see the places where those shoes came from. I hate that all those people died but I would hate it even more if those people are lost to history as we sugarcoat what happened.
That to me is one of the saddest things that we can do to history, to whitewash what makes us feel uncomforatble and uneasy. We have to face what we have done and what we have taken part in so that we can pass these mistakes on to generations to come. The responsibility of the people is to know where they came from, even the horrors so that one day they will not be witnesses to the same atrocious acts of violence and ignorance. We must stop and take our fair share of the blame for what happened, and then we must move on. We have to stop dwelling in the past, for if we don't we will never move on and create a world where those things are less likely to happen.
Just spend a couple of months riding on a train around Europe would float my boat perfectly.
Where I come from seems like such an easier topic to put in music than to put into words however I will take the challenge and end it with a music vid if I find a good one.
I'm from a small town in Texas. It has never hurt my feelings when someone hands me a dirty old chainsaw, there is something ever so familiar and magical about the way a greasy grimy chain smells or the exhuast off of a two cycle engine.
I love the smell of hay and I don't mind sittin' on a haybale or in front of a good ole' bonfire. The smell of burning leaves on fall nights.
I still remember spending Saturday mornings walking on the catwalks at the auction barn and watching them move cattle from one pen to another, the smells, the sounds all of that is part of who I am. I love to spend time picking peas in the garden. I would rather sit on the ground with my hands in the dirt to plant flowers and pull weeds than do just about anything else.
My mimi was a library in an elementary school so just be prepared for there to be tons of books in my home. And trust me no matter how damaged they are they aren't going anywhere. I can promise that I've only thrown away two books in my entire life and that was because they had significant water damaged from an overflowed toilet. There was no way to salvage them and I lost a good coffee table book.
Books to me are precious an each one opens up a different world and a different set of emotions. One day I will finish writing a book and try to publish it. (I will let y'all know when that happens.)
I am messy by nature and my house will never make it into the pages of any magazine simply because I can't keep it clean. I try and try and usually just end up cleaning the same things over and over again and never moving onto anything else.
A walk in the pasture is good enough for me. Sitting on the banks of the tank feeding catfish inside a square of pvc pipe. I really am just a small town girl.
I'm not ever going to be a Jimmy Choo wearing city girl. That isn't for me. It never has been and I'm pretty sure that it never will be.
Those are the things that remind me of where I come from.
I know that my last post was written in a state of brokeness and despair but I have moved on from that place and to help facilitate this move I am hoping to complete this. I happened to stumble onto it from another blog on my phone the other morning and have spent a bit of time looking for it on my laptop only to throw 'September blog challenge' into a Google search and it be one of the top topics.
I really don't feel like getting into the details of that pit of despair that I was in because I am trying to move on from there and need a positive start. That positive start will begin tomorrow morning when I wake my husband up and send him to work while I stay home. Now I know to most people that isn't a big deal but since the Wednesday after our wedding we have been getting up and going to work together, yes we worked together. That all ended Saturday. I am in the process of transitioning into teaching and need a few days to just decompress and relax before I start that job (also I am still waiting on HR to finish up all the paperwork to prove I'm not a crazy.). But I didn't want to go into this like I did student teaching where I had Labor Day off then started teaching five days a week, going into my job on Saturday and then working on Sundays at a part time job for twelve weeks straight. I ended up with multiple kidney stones and nearly got pneumonia.
I am looking at my living room and thinking about all the things that I need to do like finish painting and unloading boxes. Watch some more stuff off the DVR. Finish watching the first season of King of the Hill. Pay some bills but that makes my stomach turn right now and I'm not sure where all the bills are located at this point.
I'm gonna try to start going through some things in my bonus room so that I can see progress basically meaning throwing stuff away. That is how I feel progress throwing things away.
The reason for the blogging challenge is that I need to push myself to start writing again. There are files and notebooks languishing away, calling me back to them. I also have dozen of paperback and hardback children that are calling to me and there just aren't enough hours in the day to take care of all of them.
I may get a head start on looking at tomorrow's topic.
I have to admit that it feels good to know that today is Friday. There are a few things that I had meant to accomplish this week and well that just fell through. That however is nothing unusual for me.
I like lists. I really like to make lists. It makes me feel that I have accomplished things. Especially at work. I like to know what I need to accomplish in a certain amount of time. Like when my boss is gone he will usually leave us a list of things that each person needs to accomplish. In those cases it also helps us to keep each other in line. If you know what someone else needs to get done then you can encourage them when they are not doing anything.
I spend more time making lists to try and get myself to accomplish things but they don't always help. And it doesn't help that it seems like all of a sudden my spell check doesn't seem to work on anything.
I'm getting really sick of people complaining about how much student debt they have. In my very bold opinion this really seems to be a case of parents not telling their children no. If you can't afford to go to a school without spending a fortune that you obviously don't have maybe you should rethink what you are planning to do. I graduated with $14,500 in student loan debt on three different loans and two different interest rates. I am half way through my repayment period and have less than $600 left to pay on them. In only 32 payments I have paid almost $14,000 back and I don't complain about it. During that time I've also paid off 29 of 60 payments on a car and put a down payment on a house and you know what, I'm still working in a job where I punch the clock.
I don't have the cushy corner office that most people are expecting when they graduate because they've picked a career based on those highly inflated starting salary lists. I've done a lot I never thought I'd do to make the rent like vacuum my boss's office or carry rocking chairs in and out of the building. I answer phones and answer mundane and stupid questions. You do what you have to do. I still haven't gotten the job that I wanted but I am working hard to accomplish that goal. I'm hoping that soon I can start posting pictures of my classroom, keep that in your thoughts if you want to.
Every once in awhile you have to make concessions about college and a job. Some times you have to put pride aside annd take a job
I've been trying to sit down all week and work on blogging but it just hasn't happened, mainly because it is hot and when I say hot I mean hot like frying an egg on the sidewalk kinda hot. I haven't even had a chance to look at what the weather is going to do for the rest of the week. I know that the last time I did see the weather there were seven days of triple digits and that is all I have to know. There really doesn't seem to be an end in sight and now there is Saharan dust in the air to top it off. I've had enough water that I'm surprised that I haven't floated away. It seems like it doesn't matter how much I have, I'm still thirsty and still hot all the time.
Things around here haven't been going anywhere mainly because at five o'clock I just want to get home as fast as I can to the sweet relief of air conditioning. I don't even want to go to the grocery store and probably won't do it until I run out of milk, bread and eggs, which wouldn't be bad but I only picked up milk the last time I was at the store because I had eggs and bread. So over a week and I'm down to less than a quarter of a loaf of bread and four eggs. Or I will go when I have to buy dog food, dishwasher detergent and stuff to make laundry soap. (Dog food will win out I'm pretty sure.) I say that because I can't feed my dog table scraps because well my poor sidewalk will pay for it. (If anyone knows how to keep a dog from pooping on the sidewalk let me know.)
I've gotten a few boxes cleaned out and hopefully will be getting a few more this week so that my brother can pack up some kitchen items for his first apartment. So really no pressure what so ever on the unpacking. I have some empty boxes on the porch but their integrity is not the best since they've been there for a few weeks and are covered in house paint. We did get the outside of our house painted which is awesome. We now have to go back and do some touchups and paint all the trim.
I can't keep caught up with anything and I mean anything. I'm doing my best just to read my email and check my texts. Or like today when I got slammed all of a sudden with a bunch of updates and what not on my phone and I know that some of them were from Sunday. It was bizarre and a bit scary, similar to what I experienced a few weeks ago when my email got hacked and there were about 75 bounce back emails that came all at once. Thankfully I have a ton of contacts that aren't any good any more, of course then I got a whole bunch of emails telling me that I was sending spam. It was mortifying and I'm trying to get over it.
Hopefully I can get my DVR cleaned out by the weekend so I could maybe watch something on tv when it is on. I am however spoiled to being able to fast forward through the commercials.
I was glad to see that Double Divas started a new season last night. It totally freaks my husband out when I watch it because of all the squealing.
I have finally put myself into the mode of painting. Right now the hall has one coat of paint and I am now in the process of putting on the first coat of paint in the living room. It would be better if I weren't painting over panelling because rollers do not get down in the little groove. I have figured out that you go down each of those grooves with a paint brush first and do the top and bottom while you've got the brush and then roll the in between places.
I didn't take any before pictures mainly because I do not know the present location of my camera. I have however been able to empty a few boxes of books but that is slooow going right now. I've been spending quite a bit of time stalking some human resource pages for several different school districts and that is slooow going as well.
There have been so many things going through my mind that I don't even know where to start writing about. I havn't been the best at doing a lot these last few weeks but I am trying to make more of an effort at a lot of things. Been watching a lot of Star Trek Next Generation. It does keep me from watching one of the many mind numbing reality shows that plague the airwaves now. That has been one of the many topics of conversation at work and with family. I do want to admit that I'm not completely against reality shows I do partake in Hell's Kitchen and Master Chef and I have watched a little on the Big Brother front. I have given up on the Bachelor/Bachelorette, The Amazing Race and Survivor.
I am running into a problem with finding places to put things. Hopefully I can get one wall completely painted and get some shelving on the wall to put my knick knacks on. There are a lot of things that I have planned for the next weeks or so. I'm ready for fall so that I can work in the yard. In the morning I'm going to start cleaning out the front flowerbed so that I can put in some plants that my mom bought on the clearance rack at Lowe's. They are plants that need full shade and I think the front flowerbed is the only place that they will get that. There are a few paint cans that have to be moved that are from painting the outside of the house. We still have paint the trim and paint a few more places in the eaves and behind some hedges that need to be trimmed up as well. I am going to have to start moving some furniture to finish the painting. The biggest challenge will be painting behind the tv so that we can put up a shelf that my in-laws are giving us.
My sense of taste has been all over the map the last couple of years and I don't like it or maybe I do.
When I was a child you couldn't get me to touch a casserole just because of the cream of mushroom soup in it. It didn't matter how much my mom tried to hide them in there I wouldn't eat it and well my little brothers are the same way. If a recipe calls for cream of mushroom soup my mom has to pick a different cream of soup to take the place. I though have taken to mushrooms lately to the point where I've actually ordered mushroom chicken at a restaurant.
It is to the point that there are very few places that I like to eat. I personally hate ordering something at a restaurant and then having to ask for it with out a whole bunch of things, the only exception being onions on hamburgers that just doesn't happen.
Lately it has been the smell of sauteed onions that has been getting my nose in a pinch. I really want to just buy an onion and saute it just for the smell and then maybe scramble an egg or two in the pan after I remove the onions.
I've been training a new employee over the last week and a half and it has made me think about a few things, the most important of which is real world skills.
I am currently a department coordinator and a teacher on the side. (And currently looking for a job.) This job entails a lot of out of the box thinking and this is not the first person that I've trained or attempted to train and that has always been the biggest problem. People can't think outside of the box.
But what I was thinking is why isn't there a class in high school that teaches you real world skills? Skills like how to fill out a job application. It would have been great to know how to understand insurance or at least what to do if you need to call insurance. Things that you shouldn't have to always be calling your parents about.
Basic phone skills would be a nice thing to teach people. There are just so many things that they don't really teach you in school because they are too busy trying to make sure that you pass the tests. I've been thinking on these things at work because it is frustrating trying to teach someone how to do a job when they won't think outside of the box. Some basic workplace survival skills would be nice. How to use a fax machine, printer, copier, scanners those kind of things. It would be nice to not come in on Monday to see that some time on Saturday afternoon someone jammed the printer and just left it. Installing and updating software on a computer.
Guidance on how to use the Internet to do research. Or just how to do a search on the Internet.
I know that these are skills that not everyone will need in the future but they are helpful. There are just skills that you need that you get out of high school or college and you don't have them. Not everyone knows how to type anymore and that is a skill that is nice to have. I know that writers have this skill or you would hope that they would because that has to be hard to do just huntin' and peckin'. It seems that I've lost steam on this topic and usually that means I have to call it quits.
The last two weeks have been a little blah and a constant barrage of mess. To the point that there are only a few things that have made it better.
Like the day that I went to get ice and right as I opened the door to the ice machine at work it dropped a new batch of ice. Score!
The other is so sad it is unreal. For atleast six months I have felt something in my ear. I've tried to scratch thinking that it was a little buildup of wax. There have been many days where I dig in there and just can't get the right angle with my finger and then just give up. Last week I had had it with it. Standing in front of the mirror I grabbed the tweezers and used them to scrape and then I felt it. There was a release of pressure and there it was on the end of the tweezers, it was a clogged pore.Yes it had been bugging me for atleast six months, that is a long time to be able to feel something and not be able to do anything about it.
It makes me feel really pathetic. That fresh ice and popping a zit made the last two weeks.
I am still a little upset with Doctor Who. I'm not really ready to let go of another Doctor. I didn't really care for the Ninth doctor, and ten was fun but eleven really has been my Doctor for most of viewing experience. I've actually been catching up with older episodes because we got a totally awesome DVR which I've eaten crow about because I said we really didn't need one. (I secretly love it though. And as soon as my husband leaves to go to the movies I'm gonna watch an episode of hoarders and clean the house.)
There were a few episodes I liked, the space Titanic seemed to have some parallels to the original The Poseidon Adventurewhich I have to say is an epic movie. Also another epic movie to check out is The Towering Inferno, and yes I really do like movies with story lines full of danger. I haven't seen all of the second one but come on it has Steve McQueen. I've only seen one movie that he was in that didn't impress me, it did however get me some points in a military history class. (Not that they were actual points or anything.)
I have taken on the task of starting to repaint the house. I have gotten the hall painted and it will probably need to be repainted a second time but that will have to wait because the return air vent is in the hall and it sucks fumes all through the house. I also have to find a flat head screw driver to take the thermostat off of the wall. I've gotten paint all around it and a little on the bottom but I want to paint now in case we ever have to change it out. The real challenge is taping off the trim in the living and dining room. I didn't do that in the hall because there is so much trim with four doors in an eight foot hall plus the entry to the dining room is trimmed so it really makes it five doors in one hall.
There have just been a lot of things going on with it being the beginning of the summer. It has pretty much been open season on teacher openings in the area. I have seen so many go up and just a few come down off the lists. There are over 100 openings in a local district and even in a small district a little further away there are 6 openings. When I say that it is a small school the entire district is in one building, one principal, one classroom per grade in one single hall, it is small.
I haven't been hearing my phone ring a lot with them begging me to come interview with them but I am hoping that will pick up next week. I know that one district has a board meeting on Monday and they may be waiting until they have finalized any remaining contracts. I know that in one or two they are waiting to see if any teachers want to chage grades before they start offering and interviewing.
So for anyone who wants to keep their fingers crossed.
I have been sending emails. Hoping that one of them will get me an interview. It would be better if the principals would stop changing which means the one that I emailed is not the one making the decisions. I guess there are things that I can't change and I will just have to deal with that.
Well that is just disappointing that my last two posts are not formatted the way they should be. I was email blogging and I didn't think that it would make a difference but I guess in the long run it did.
I just don't feel like blogging. I'm just stuck again and it is making it hard to do anything or want to do anything.
Last time I talked about not caring about Abercrombie & Fitch's desire to cater to the small and popular, today I found out those comments CEO Mike Jeffries made date back all the way to a 2006 interview according to this Shine article.
Give the man a break! I don't really remember any kind of fuss being made back then. That would be like pulling out the yearbook at your 20 year reunion to get mad about a snide comment someone wrote about you. Give it a rest people. We want to shame companies who cater to small people for not catering to larger sizes, yet we don't shame companies that specialize in large sizes and not small sizes? That would be like getting mad at a maternity store for not having regular clothes. It makes me sad to see that the world or really the US get so mad about this.
I'm not even sure that I can say I'm glad to see that more people are accepting their bodies. Is this really about being fat or thin? Popular or unpopular? Or is this just people who are unhappy to be unhappy?
I don't think that he should have to apologize. You shouldn't have to apologize for having a target audience. That is just good business practice to have an audience and cater to them. Television networks do this and no one seems to complain about that.
I'm sure for as long as there have been businesses there have been a group of people who felt like they were being left out. Stand out from the crowd be your own person. Stop dwelling on being different from the crowd.
I have a terrible case of the blahs coupled with 'I don't wanna' which makes it difficult to function at work. The only thing that is keeping me moving is Pandora.
So this means I've been reading a lot of online 'news' articles because it seems that the tops stories this week are about Kardashians, Cleveland or Boston. The other thing that I've come across is the latest debacle over clothing sizes, this time at Abercrombie and Fitch and their refusal to make large clothing options for women because they cater to the popular kids. To counter what CEO Mike Jeffries had to say a petition has been started. I really want to gloss over the details because unless you are living under a rock you should have heard about this already. (36000+ hits on a Google news search).
I am not a small girl by any means and I have been painfully aware of this since I was in fifth grade and one of 4 people in my classroom that weighed over 100 pounds. Yes it was mortifying to be ten and not really be aware of size like that. I still can see my fifth grade yearbook picture clearly in my head without even knowing when the last time I saw it was. I carry a lot of weight in my face even now you can tell if I've been neglecting to hydrate by how puffy my cheeks are. My hair is pulled back in a pony tail and the collar on my tshirt is very close fitting on my neck, the shirt itself was probably pushing the limits for size. As you look at the entire page of faces mine pops out immediately, maybe it is large or maybe they tightened in too much on my face but it looks terrible to me.
That really wasn't where I meant to take this post but we'll call that background for my feelings. Pretty much for a long time there have been things that I've know without a doubt that I can't wear or will not look good. Even at 14, 5'4" and 125 pounds I thought that I was huge. I was in a size eight jeans and hated everything about my body. I carry the majority of my weight between my belly button and my knees so buying jeans is a terrible experience. I will probably wear Old Navy jeans until I die because they fit.
Personally I don't want buy clothes from Abercrombie & Fitch even if they came in my size. I'm okay with not being able to wear their clothes. There are a lot of places that I'm okay with the fact that I can't wear them. What I'm not okay with is going to plain jane stores like Wal-Mart or Target that are supposed to cater to everyone and not being able to find clothes. It is worse to go into one of these stores and see racks and racks or extra-small and small clothing and even more racks of those sizes in clearance. The even bigger kicker to me is when you ask why there is a disproportionate amount of small clothing they will tell you that there isn't the need for that many larger sizes. I really wanted to pull out the have you seen the people who shop here? Have you seen the website 'people of Wal-Mart? Have you looked at your fellow employees? Now I'm not calling anyone fat here but when a smaller person can shop anywhere why would they shop at Wal-Mart.
From what I see at Target they have larger clothes more during the summer and between fall and spring semesters. Being in a college town I'm sure that has to do with the freshman 15 more than anything. I've been to other Targets and had no problem finding clothes that would fit me on the clearance rack. The thing I hate the most about Target clothes is when you find a style of shirt that you like and want to buy in multiple colors that is when I've had the most problems. My favorite basic white tee is from the clearance rack at Target where I bought four or five. I wish though that it didn't look so terrible when I wear a nude colored bra underneath it, you would think that I had a black bra on. I know better than that too. (Well now I do.)
I've had a long day and this is starting to ramble a long. I have to call it quits for today.
I don't care if some clothing stores refuse to sell larger sizes, because usually their clothes run small anyway. They will find a way to alienate those who wear larger sizes by making their clothes smaller. The whole that a size eight is not always a size eight, some times it is a six or a ten or heaven forbid it could be a four, and you find yourself stuck in a dress in the dressing room crying and praying that you can unzip it on your own without destroying it. There will always be a way for manufacturers to get around what society wants. Bend the rules. Give people what they want but not what they ask for just to appease them. We're all just mindless sheep to these companies and they will bend to pressure but still do what they want.
I've been absent for the last few weeks because of well...buying a house. So it is still crazy in this house. It is nice to finally be able to truly nest. I mean I nested a little bit in the apartment but it just never felt right. It was hard to put things on the walls because I didn't want to fill nail holes. It would be really nice to get my eating schedule back on track because when we were moving it would be almost eight before I would eat just because we were trying to use all of the light that we could to get our stuff out of the apartment that didn't have any electricity, which meant that it didn't have air. Anyone who has been to Texas in late April knows that it is not okay to not have electricity especially when there is a storm line pushing through the area. That also made it difficult to move because we were moving in the backs of pickups and the last thing you want to deal with is a truck full of stuff when the sky opens up.
The first night that we moved the main goal was some clothes and the bed. And for awhile that was all I cared about, food, shower, bed. It was not well planned out because on the last trip to the apartment I was grabbing towels and soap and deodorant. In a mad dash because I was so sweaty the collar on my tshirt was starting to irritate me.
This past week has been a lot of fun. We had some plumbing problems that involved backing up of the toilet into the bathtub and the washer all over the floor. Luckily the nasty water was contained to the tub and the water out of the washer was clean.
The worst part of it was not having any food and not having time to go get any. We couldn't find the box with the food not that there was much of that to start with. Then when we did we were short of basics, milk, bread, eggs that kinda stuff. Tuesday after almost a week in the house living on sandwiches we finally made it to the store. Then we went Wednesday night because we had to take my mom who is recovering from back surgery. She hasn't really been to the store to buy for my two brothers who will be home for the summer in just a few days since January.
It is nice to just be able to sit down and take a deep breath and relax which we still haven't done. We got all the boxes off the front porch yesterday in part because there were 35-40 mile per hour gusts of winds yesterday and I was sick of going into the neighbor's yard to get the boxes. I left the packing peanuts all over the place. It is nice to have a blue trash can that I can put my bags in and once a week drag it to the end of the driveway and leave it for someone else. That was the worst part of the apartment having to walk all the way to the other end of the complex to take the trash. We never went that way which never really made it convenient to take it. ( I know excuses excuses)
I think that I'm going to go scramble up some eggs and have a delicious sandwich.
I know that I should have been spending more of this week of vacation reading on my list but there have been more things that I've worked on. I am getting close to the end of another novel on my list and I have to check and see if I've written about another book that wasn't on the list but that I read nonetheless because I was taken by the cover. Yes I was that childish that I read the book because of the cover, but really can you help yourself?
I couldn't help but purchase it when I saw it sitting there on the shelf at Barnes&Noble. This book is a lovely story about the beautiful Tiffany lamps that many people have in their homes, it focuses on Clara and her creative drive in the studio of Mr. Tiffany.
At the turn of the century there was fine line when it came to women and their place at home and at work. If you think the job market is tight now, imagine what is was like when there were few places women could work and even fewer that would hire married women. There are three relationships that are in this book, Clara and her girls, Clara and the residents of her boarding house, and then finally Clara and Mr. Tiffany.
Clara is the head of her department working with several younger women to cut and make the famous Tiffany stained glass windows. She is the mother figure in this relationship showing these girls what they need to do and how to do it. She talks them through relationship problems and fights almost tooth and nail at some points to keep her department growing and helping these girls. Over time some of the individual relationships are fleshed out more and you see that Clara wants to help change the working situations of women. She talks with the girls about what will happen if they get married, telling them that she cannot keep them in her employment if they are married.
Clara is a widow living in a boarding house in New York which was considered proper for the time. There are many colorful characters that help her move through a range of emotions that some times threaten to beat Clara down before her prime. They are her family and she loves them and I suggest keep a piece of papers with their names on it and some way for you to remember who they are, because these relationships are terribly complex. I take that back a little there are quite a few male characters and at times the pace of the novel makes it hard to keep up.
The final relationship is between Clara and Mr. Louis Comfort Tiffany, her boss. He has a fiery temper and wild ideas, truly a man ahead of his time but passionate about beautiful things. This is the relationship that causes Clara the most heartbreak as she is given artistic freedom in her department and then shot down later because of the extravagance in her designs. They are the perfect work spouses for each other.
I really don't want to ruin the relationships and how they play out but they are beautiful in their own ways. This book is full of beauty that you have to imagine and heartbreak that everyone understands.
Please for the love of pretty book covers read this. I can only imagine how beautiful this movie would be if they ever made it into one.
There are just so many different things going through my mind and I really haven't had a chance to get on here with having internet problems and packing up my apartment. Of course the only time that I think about what I would like to write is usually when it is too late to get on the internet or after I have drained the battery on my mifi. Right now I actually have no idea where my mifi is just that I have hardly any signal from it.
I guess that means that I really shouldn't be on here if I can't even remember from one night to the next what I want to write about. I do know that there will be posts in the coming months about getting into the house and making it a home, because no matter how hard you try an apartment is a house, a place to stay; an apartment is just not home no matter how you slice it. I have a few pictures that were part of the appraisal but until we sign the papers I'm not going to be put anything online.
I know that we will have to paint in some of the rooms but that isn't anything that will happen before we move in. I know that the 'bonus' room will have great potential. I'm thinking some kelly green paint on the top half of the wall to complement the brown paneling because if you pull down the paneling there will be demo but then much more than painting. A chair rail and then green on top because I think that kelly green and dark brown will look good together.
I will have a kitchen with cabinets and I will be able to change my mind in. Open the stove and fridge at the same time.
Sorry that it has been so long since I've been on here. Working on a lot of different things like not going totally batshit crazy. We're in the middle of packing up our apartment and getting ready to move into our first house. I know that I should be far more excited about it but it kind of a pain in the but right now. Waiting on an appraisal and then sign the papers so that we can move in. Little bit more space and a backyard, that has really been the biggest thing to have our own backyard for just a pup to stay in. When I have some pictures maybe I will post them.
I'm not one to admit that I have emotional problems but I do. There's no denying and there should be no shame in it but we live in a culture where if you aren't perfect then you are automatically seen as weak. I equate what happens to be as a seesaw. Remember as a child playing on the seesaw? When the other person would get off without any warning and you would be slammed to the ground? That is how my moods can change, one minute at the highest in a manic starting ten million projects and then all of a sudden down as low as you can go. There are very few times when the seesaw is level and when it has been there it feels terrible. That seems wrong that I feel terrible when it is level but that is because I don't know how to feel normal.
There are days when I sit on the couch and know that I need to get up and clean or eat dinner but I just can't. I feel like I am on an upswing and I hope that maybe I can control this one a little more than in the past, stretch the ride to the top out over a longer period of time.
The weather is killing me though. It has been cold then mediocre then miserable. My skin is dry and itchy. I'm getting the little bumps all over my shoulders and arms where my clothes rub and it is irritating. I hate washing my hair in this kind of weather and that has given me a spot on the nape of my neck that I have had multiple times when I don't get that part of my hair clean. It is not a matter of cleaning it is an issue of moisturizing. There are just a few places that you can't reach on your own.
Music--an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony and color.
I love that definition of music. I had never really thought about what music would mean. Really have you ever thought about how to describe music to someone. Not a type of music but what music actually is.
I live in a world where it seems quite lonely and sad without music. I am a huge fan of Pandora and usually have it playing almost all day long in my office. If you don't have Pandora you should seriously look into it. Radio at its best because you personalize the stations that you listen to. Either by picking a song that you like or by picking an artist or group. You tell it whether you like a song or not, put songs on the shelf if they play too often and every once in awhile you listen to a short commercial. I tell you about this just because I love music and I love to listen to it. This is also the only way I can combat the insane amount of Christmas music I must endure at work during the Halloween to New Year's period.
Music speaks to my soul. It can take me back in time without me ever moving an inch. It can make me quite moody and then make me happier than anything as I bask in the trip down memory lane. The sound of this one is a little haunting to me.
I am going to try to leave you with a video but my internet is going a little wonky.
I've been thinking about the fact that almost ten years have passed since I graduated from high school. I know that it has been a rocky road and I will probably either work on this post for quite
awhile or I will write several posts over the next few days.
I really didn't have any goals when I graduated from high school. I didn't have a ten year plan or even a five year plan. I knew that I wanted to go to college but that was about it. So I really can't say that I'm not where I want to be if I had no plan to start with.
I'm not unhappy with my life. I just don't feel like I've done enough. I live in apartment. I haven't paid off my college loans. I am still at the first job I had out of that isn't a bad thing, I have a job that helps pay the bills.
I have a loving husband. I have a car that is paid off. I have a family that loves me. I'm in a limbo that I've created for myself. I am neither moving forward or backward. I just know that there is more to life than what I have done. It makes me realize that some times we are our on biggest enemy. I know that is something that so many people have said over many years but it is so true. Maybe because it has been said so many times that we don't realize how true it is.
I know that I have to stop bullying myself. I have to stand up for what I want in life. I have to take control of my life and take control.
Ten years have come and gone and the next ten years I hope are going to be so much better. I have to leave you with a little music and this kinda conveys what I'm feeling right now.
So I'm not really into actually posting videos on here I hope the one above works. If not check out the song My Next 30 Years by Tim McGraw.
I'm hoping that by the end of next week that I will be able to cross another book off my 30 before 30 list. I am trying to read more every night before I go to sleep and as much as I want to do that some times that doesn't work. Other people don't always allow me to read.
I am hoping to read a little and then get a good night sleep because last night I was dreaming about taking a nap which I'm sure means that I am way more tired than I thought I was. I was also dreaming about packing clothes that were basically the same as most of the Polyvore sets on my Pinterest boards. It was awesome and I wish that was how packing worked. Like I want to wear this and you pull down an entire outfit accessories and all.
There a few things in this world that I cannot do, no matter how much I try.
For the life of me there is no fixing my hair. It just doesn't work. I have truly fine hair. When I say that it is not my opinion it has been expressed by every stylist who has ever touched my hair. So unless there are copious amounts of hair spray and bobby pins it will not hold a hair style.
Make up doesn't happen. It just doesn't. Maybe some lip gloss rarely some lipstick but mostly I just wipe it off because I feel self conscious.
Sparklers. There's something about handing me a flaming stick and then telling me to be careful that doesn't make me very trusting. Only in the last few months have my husband and mom gotten me to do snaps and champagne poppers. Those are usually left for little kids to play with. I don't even want you to get close to me if you have sparklers.
Cartwheels. I'm truly afraid of getting hurt. I understand the mechanics of how to do it. I've seen them done. I've attempted them but I've been for more successful at doing a headstand than any attempt at a cartwheel.
I'm sure that there are a few more things that should go on this list but I really can't think of many more right now.
There are quite a few things that have been on my mind this week. Trying to make short term decisions that in the end are actually long term decisions, and so far they have not been easy to make. I know that tomorrow I have to sit down and make those decisions known and be an adult at the same time. They aren't easy decisions to make and it has had me stressed out at work which makes my teeth hurt. I don't know why stress makes my teeth hurt but it does. It isn't grinding my teeth because that will wake me up from a truly sound sleep with pain in my jaw.
I have been trying to work on getting me a little bit of daylight in my life to help combat the blahs that I tend to suffer from because of working in a windowless office. I pulled the foil off our patio door so that I could open it up and air out the house a little bit while I was working on the living room. The cats happened to love it because it afforded them both the opportunity to come in and out as they pleased. Especially Kitten because she still isn't completely comfortable with being in the house. For the first few weeks she would only come in if the door stayed open. The minute the door started to close she was off like a shot and no matter what there was no coaxing her back into the house.
I keep hoping to get a few more pictures on here but the quality of my Internet has not been the best so I'm not even going to try. I can't believe that we are almost into February and it was 75 tonight when we were on our way home from the movie. I would tell you about it but there was a problem with the projector and so after 30 minutes or so the picture went away and there was sound then there was picture, then they restarted the movie, then no picture, nothing at all then there was light. The light was the manager coming in to tell us that the fan was broken and it would be several hours before the projector would be up and running. So after a refund we left and we went by HEB for beer and dessert. Yep that's what we did ice cream and beer. That is how we spent our Sunday night. Watching season 1 of CSI and just chilling before we have to go back to work and start all over again. I will see you another time.
Note: I wrote this last week and have been having problems with internet.
I wish that my internet worked better than it does. I’ve
spent most of the night fighting to keep it connected long enough to load a
page so really getting a chance to blog has not been an option. I wish that
there was more that I could say but I am making progress on my current 30
before 30 book, flipping through around seven chapters on my day off. The
problem I ran into is it is one of those books that I must read in complete
silence. I mean nothing I can’t even let my mind wander without having to read and
reread the same paragraphs just to try and understand them. The waiting room at
the dentist’s office was nice yet a little cold. I was doing good until the
ladies that work in the office starting getting all chatty and giggly and then
I couldn’t focus because I wanted to know what was going on since it sounded
like no one was working. My Sugarbear was getting lower wisdom teeth removed,
well that day he was getting x-rays and a game plan for the surgery. Then the
next day we came in they knocked him out and in less than an hour he was two
teeth lighter.
I guess that we are going to have some winter weather this week. It has been 36 most of the day and a little damp which just makes it colder. I would like for it to finally be below 32 so I can try and blow bubbles to see if they will freeze. Of course I may freeze in the process since we have a large sliding glass patio door and there really isn't a way to insulate those in the winter. You can tape all the foil up you want in the summer to keep the light out but it does not one thing for cold. The door is right at the end of the couch. I really should be up and moving around, cleaning the house but I don't really feel like it.
For now I think that I will enjoy watching season one of CSI until The Fog comes on. We were watching it this morning and I didn't get to see the first or last 30 minutes of it. I like to see though how each of the original characters have changed over the seasons. They all look so young and I really miss Grissom. I will admit that watching the dvds is much better than watching reruns on tv where they sound like chipmunks on helium.
I may get some more in tomorrow after I take Just a boy to get two of his wisdom teeth surgically removed. He is ready to get them out and after x-rays today and surgery tomorrow, those are the visits that I like. No waiting, no time to back out.
So confession on this one...I finished the book and completely forgot that it was on this list. I was looking over it to see what else I had to read in an ever shortening timeline.
It was a lovely book that I read because I like what Maguire did in Wicked and the background story of the witches of Oz.
Since it has been so long I don't have a lot to say about the book but I like that it was more in line with the original fairy tale of Cinderella and less Disney than what we are accustomed to as well. Clara is our classic Cinderella and her stepsisters are the plain Iris and then Ruth who is the oldest and well as you read you draw your own conclusions about her.
Iris is the one who holds the family together through the story and makes sure that the family will make it through all the tough times. I really can't remember too much of the story because it has been so long since I read the book and I don't really want to rip off another person's thoughts on the book.
My favorite character had to be Ruth because it isn't until the very end that you find out that she is the narrator and then it hits you. I've read that there is a chance she may have been autistic and that is a possibility. You realize that she has a keen eye for details and has been the one telling the story. I had to wonder if she didn't suffer from PTSD as a result of being run out of their home as a small child. I think that she became introverted as a way of protecting herself from her mother's hateful attitude and resentment. She knows that her mother has come back to Haarlem without any money. with no prospects and it is dangerous for her. To be beautiful and smart her mother would have been quick to try and marry her off to someone in order to gain a place for her family. Which is ultimately what the mother accomplishes by killing Clara's mother and then marrying her father.
I don't want to ruin some of the details that make this story unique but is worth the read. I promise that if you like to look at the traditional from a different angle then you will enjoy this story.
That's how I feel right now. Just blah. Nothing much to say. Nothing much going on. So other than just wanting to make this more of a daily habit this year instead of starting strong and then crashing and almost disappearing for awhile. I think I did worse about getting on here more than normal last year than the year before.
Maybe things will start picking up in the next few weeks and I may have more to talk about or I could be too busy to even remember to get on here.
I hope that this year will be a little different around here. I hope to get on here a little more, maybe post a few more pictures that I take instead of scouring the net for them.
Expect great things with this new year and never give up.