Thursday, January 28, 2010

Of course...

I had to post while I had this still on my mind. But ABC just cancelled 'Ugly Betty' and all I could say is duh.

I mean I loved the premise of the show. It was good it was what we all knew was going on. Normal people just trying to make it in a world where things aren't normal.

The article talks about the move from one night to the other and yes I can agree that killed it a little but it got off track. It got away from what it set out to do. I was watching a few weeks ago and that wasn't the Betty that I knew. She seemed...different. She seemed to have lost a few pounds, her hair was a little more coiffed and well she wasn't as 'ugly' in the way she was dressing.

She had changed. And not in a way that I was pleased with. I hope that if I had been religiously watching the show that it was a subtle change but this seemed like a real slap in the face to me how much she had changed.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New Year

It's a little late in the new year to post a new year post but it's the first time that things have gotten to a steady pace for me to try and get something tapped out.

We do a lot of 90 to nothin' around here and that's what I've been faced with for the last few weeks and it doesn't look like an end is anywhere in the future. Around here the saying "sleep when you're dead" has alot of truth to it. I just get my naps where I can if that means at 5:30 in the afternoon it means I spend a little quality time with the pillow.

Problems have been fixed and things are looking like they're closer to right side up but I'm not quite sure.

love ya!