Monday, December 12, 2011


I was talking yesterday about Christmas at my Grandma’s house and the memories that I will have forever the memories that will stay with me and no one can take them away.

Some of the memories are quite vague but I love them none the less. Some of them I know that I have created from looking at pictures of Christmas’ past but others were never in pictures they are only in the fading memories that I force myself to try and remember to keep them from completely fading out.
Christmas at my Grandma’s  always meant that the five of us would all have matching pajamas, but this could have been for anytime of the year. They were always homemade and I can remember being called away from playing for Grandma to measure a piece of elastic for the shorts that she would then write our name on the end in a fine point sharpie before letting us go back to playing. One set in particular is memorialized in a picture of me and two of my cousins standing in front of the refrigerator with those pink spongie curlers in my hair. Now I realize that my hair is much too fine to hold curls of any sort no matter how much hair product is in my hair and how much heat is applied. I know that in the office closet at their house there is a suitcase full of that material, pink with small white strips in a soft stretchy material as well as yellow and white that my cousin Jody had. I was always jealous of him, I wanted the yellow pajamas more than anything.

Everyone in our family has a stocking that Grandma handmade. One of those felt pieced together kits that you can buy at the craft store. All are different. There is resentment too. I wanted the one that was a train made out of candy…I got a green one with Raggedy Anne and Andy, the same one Jody has. I want a candy train. They have been in multiple rooms and they always had the best presents. They were in the office for the longest time. Then pinned to the curtains in the dining room, and then onto the breezeway curtains. Now they are wrapped in tissue paper in white shirt boxes in the office closet. I haven’t gotten up the nerve to ask for mine. I’m not sure if I can handle having it in my own home. It makes me sad because I know that once it leaves their house it will be over. That those memories of childhood will finally end. That it will mean that we won’t be spending hours and hours piled into the tiny rooms of their house waiting, being forced out of the house to play with something anything.  

When we were little and everyone was there wasn’t enough room for everyone to sleep in the house so there were a few times that we would sleep in the garage. Now let me finish! This garage had wall to wall carpet, a Dearborn heater that we would all sleep in front of.  They would put blankets down across the door so that there were no drafts. My grandparents would  bring in the redwood picnic table and we would eat out there and play games and have fun. I remember many times sitting at the picnic table playing Monopoly and not being old enough to play by myself and being on a team with my cousin Jeffrey and being the horse. I remember that no matter how much we played we never won.  
I don’t remember whether or not the tree was out there or if it was in the living room in the house. I remember playing with our toys out there and how much fun it was.

That room has since been enclosed and turned into a room with a heat/cool unit and a bathroom. It doesn’t feel the same. 

The memories don’t feel the same. 

love ya!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas traditions...

I am going to try this since it is the holiday season once again and that means that I am probably going to be limited in the amount of time that I am able to blog. I know that really isn’t an excuse not to blog because if I really wanted to I could make the time to pound out a post every now and then but I just can’t make myself. Today at church we were talking about Christmas traditions and it has really been making me think about what I really remember and look/looked forward to at Christmas.

I have always liked the way that Christmas lights look when the windows are all speckled with raindrops and it just gives the lights a beautiful blurry effect.  The way that they look in photos is always fun and I’m not talking about fancy high speed digital cameras, I’m talking the old school point and shoot cameras that you would have to rewind the film and drop it off at Wal-Mart and come back two weeks later to see your pictures photos. I don’t really care about putting them on the tree or wrapping them in bushes because you just end up freezing in the dark trying to figure out which one isn’t working and causing the complete failure of all your hard work.

I like holiday displays. My favorite is on the south end of a double dead end street in my home town.  (It is on both sides of the main street in our town and they both dead end.) Each of the houses on that block have painted wooden cutouts of cartoon characters in Christmas settings. When I say cutouts I mean there are six or seven per house and on the other side where there are no houses are cutouts of train cars with the matching characters. I think that when a person on the street leaves that the cutouts are gifted to the new homeowners. I am not completely sure because it has been a long time since I  have been down that street at Christmas since it is a dead end it makes it hard to justify going down the street.

One thing that I truly miss about Christmas is the time that I would get to spend with my cousins. When we were little, they lived in South Dakota so it was a big deal when they would come down. It is a ten or twelve hour drive to where we live in Texas and it could be even more I don’t really remember, I only made the trip one time. When we were little there were so many things that I loved about Christmas at Grandma’s, which really is a whole post in itself.

I guess back them it was more that I guess I really didn’t understand the concept of time. Today I am more aware of how little time there is in life and how short twenty-four hours actually is. I know that there are way too many days when twenty-fours in one day just isn’t enough for me to accomplish everything that I need to and this is one of them. Because it then becomes a fight to balance what you have to do in your daily life with those little things that make it all worth living. There are a lot of days when I would really just rather snuggle up on the couch with my husband at night and watch endless hours of Golden Girls reruns and eat jell-o instead of going upstairs to fold laundry or in the kitchen to wash the never ending supply of dirty dishes that find their way into my sink.

Even now as I sit here I know that there are so many other things that I should be doing right now. There are Christmas presents that still need to be wrapped. I need to find a place to put my Christmas tree up so that I can put the gifts under there. I also have to finish my mother-in-law’s present which is on the dining room table half finished. I know that I’ve got to get my stuff together so I can pull out the three sacks of my brother’s t-shirts so that I can start cutting them apart to make him a blanket for graduation. I am hoping that I can make it a little extra special.

love ya!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The holiday season...

The holiday season is upon us which only means one thing...cold. Yes it is cold here in Texas we are looking at our first freeze warning tonight. Yes that stinks much more than anything else that is going on and there are lots of things going on right now. I really just don't know what to do right now. I really need to get up and clean but so much of my body is warmed by the couch that if I get up my backside will be quite cold. I had hoped to get my house cleaned before the Thanksgiving holiday and well that didn't happen. Many of my goals have not been lately and it does upset me but I know that I just have to keep working on it and things will finally work out. I know that right now I really should be doing the dishes but I just don't feel like sticking my hands in a sink full of hot soapy water right before I have to go. My lips are already so chapped that even putting any kind of chapstick on them just makes them all slippery and slimy and does nothing to soothe. 

I have two different piles of Christmas gifts that I need to start wrapping but I really haven't gotten to that point because I have to sit on the dirty floor which is also cold and hard. So right now I think that I should probably just stop complaining and get things done around my house. Anyone want to help? I also need to do laundry and I need someone to dust up around the ceiling and underneath my bed. Then they need to find the floor in my spare bedroom as well as get the bed cleaned off. 

love ya!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Rainy day...

We have been suffering lately from bouts of extreme frenzy as well as extreme slowness. There is no longer a middle ground to what is going on at work. There are times when you will almost fight in order to help a customer because you have nothing better to do than to keep count of the minutes left in the work day. I am not even completely happy trying to type out a post. Typing and writing have always been two of my favorite pastimes and even now they cannot fill the void of boredom. 

It is a truly sad day when having high speed internet cannot solve your boredom. There are things to do but then again I really have nothing to do. We are trying to get ready for the annual sale one week from today but that doesn't help because there are things that if we do them today we will just be repeating them before the week is  over. Already we have finished cleaning up the loan department desk, we have gotten most everything off of the floor that is not useful or moved it to a place where it useful. Really it is a matter of getting things done before our boss gets back so that we don't have him trying to go behind us and change what we are doing. But that will happen anyway because that is just how it goes. 

I'm just happy that my office doesn't get used so that I won't have to try and get it cleaned up before then because well it is a disgusting mess that is usually coated in a nice layer of grime and dust. I will clean it up some I have a couple of A/C units that I have to find better places for. They will probably end up in the warehouse before the week is up which will put them in the way for next week. We have a tendency to oversell things which in some cases has stemmed from a customer being indecisive. If you want it go for it because if you wait too long there won't be one for you to have and then you have to wait for us to order one and that doesn't always happen in a timely manner. 

I actually set out to write about an article over on about scary kids movies, which was not a very impressive list. There were quite a few movies that I had never heard of and a few that are probably more psychologically harmful than scary. I don't see Bambi as scary just as a way to psychologically scar child and guarantee therapy bills in the future especially if you live in an area where hunting is very popular. Also your child will probably end up being terrified of going in the woods for fear of fire. Maybe that is why I have a truly deep fear of fire. Granted I will light a candle, cook on a gas stove and hold a lighted candle for an hour during Christmas eve service, but put me around fire that does not have set boundaries you might as well box me up and send me packing. Thinking about it could also stem from seeing Backdraft as a younger child which also gave me a fear of theaters. Not movie theaters but the real ones with curtains and backstage areas.

Ernest Scared Stupid scared the living daylights out of me as a child. I still refuse to watch that movie. I will watch Ernest goes to jail or any of the other Ernest movies but NEVER will I watch that one again. My brother has tried to make me watch it to show me that it is not as scary as I make it out to be but I just can't do it. I am still afraid of trolls (and it sounds much better with the accent I hear in my head).

love ya!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Hello there...


I know that it has been awhile but I'm taking advantage of a little down time during this lovely gorgeous Friday afternoon. It is beautiful outside. The sun is shining, the wind is just a tiny bit breezy and for a moment I am going to relax. The week before Thanksgiving starts a hectic personal life for me that will die down somewhere in January. The hectic work life starts in mid to late September and runs until Spring. Then right around Thanksgiving they collide and that is where the problem starts. 

I have an anxiety disorder that makes normal tasks monumentally stressful and it makes it hard to relax. I usually end up sick around this time of year and right now I am trying desperately to stay well enough to make it through to around December 7th or 8th just depending on how the 5th and 6th go. I will then come crashing down to a halt which will then make me even more worried that I have to abandon my desk for a few days to other people. I love my coworkers but I don't like other people touching my things and when I try to explain things to them it just seems like there is a lot of talking and no listening. 

I over commit myself at this time of the year starting with shoe boxes at Church. It is something that I am compelled to do and this year we really were cutting it close when it comes to time and that stressed me out. Then we had volunteers that were helping who didn't know what they were doing and that stresses me more. Because I become truly concerned with what they are doing instead of what I should be doing. This is because every year no matter how hard and carefully we plan, we always come up short on some things and we have to make a mad dash to the dollar stores and Wal-Mart for last minute cheap toys. The selection of eighty-eight cent toys at Wal-Mart has turned into dollar toys and the selection has dwindled significantly. Then you also are not allowed to send toys with guns or related to military and that makes that difficult. We had to take pencil sharpeners out this year that were little Marine Duckies that were so adorable but we couldn't risk them getting pulled out.

And the Thanksgiving holidays are just plain stressful because of family. Then on top of that at work we are trying to prepare for our annual sale which is essentially our Black Friday a week late. 

I had to get in on the Black Friday action this year. And I have to say thank you to Wal-Mart for putting some stuff on at 10 pm this year. I was home by 10:37 with a 1600 piece set of legos, 2 seasons of Bones, all 3 Lord of the Rings (@1.96 each!), Water for Elephants and Zookeeper for right around $80. I have been sent on a mission from my mother to go back at 5 pm for a $38 steam mop and some $9 backpacks that look like Darth Vader and Yoda. I think I can make that happen. Those would be great for my nephews but I'm not sure what the protocol for presents at my in-laws is.

That opens up that whole stressful who am I supposed to buy for and how much do I spend, do I get a gift for everyone that gives me something. Where do you draw the line for Christmas presents? I already am in the process of making something for my mother-in-law and then my husband bought her something. I still have to pick up something for my father-in-law and am wondering if it is silly to get a grown man a Green Bay Packers Mr. Potato head?  I think I may do it. I think that it is a sign when I put Green Bay Packers into Amazon it was the first item that pulled up. I think they are also on sale right now. There are other teams and no I don't know why they are all the same price.

love ya!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Well it is Saturday...

There were complications last week that caused me not to get anything else posted and this week has been a mess. Partially it is a mess because I have become a little tiny bit obsessed with Pioneer Trail on Facebook and I spend every waking minute I can on there trying to complete missions and earn points. I was okay when I just had the homestead but not there is the ghost town and the trail. Of course I really can't get anywhere on the trail until I get one more person to help me stitch some stuff up I will be on my way to Beaver Valley. I've really kinda given up on the Ghost town because I never have enough of what I need and on many of the quests my status keeps getting reset or I will do a whole bunch and it will find a bug and restart and then I find out that half of what I did didn't count. I don't mind when it doesn't count but there are a few times I don't get the same secret items that I did the first time which hacks me off unless it was one that I already have a half dozen or more of. 

I am probably going to buy some nice shiny metallic spray paint in a few minutes if it is still there if not I didn't need it to start with. I can't even get through writing anything without there being a total loss of sanity. Had someone in a panic over an ice cream freezer, another who needed a transformer for their heater which it is still not truly cold enough to need a heater. But I am looking forward to winter so I can try out some outfits that I have seen online using what I already have. I'm thinking that my green pull over sweater over my black dress will look nice if I can get my ankle to stop giving so I can wear heels. More than anything I am really looking forward to getting to wear tights this winter. 

I will have to stop for a few because I am a bit off center and am having problems staying awake and concentrating. Also my clothing is a bit snug and that irritates me and makes me uncomfortable.

love ya!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Mercy mercy...

I give up or in, whichever suits the situation better. 

Numerous times this week I have sat down to write something and failed to do anything. I don't even remember my day off. There have been Internet issues which have ranged from having Verizon Internet that has horrible reception at my in town apartment but excellent reception at my in-laws out in the sticks. Google Chrome and Flash issues which have resorted in me calling it quits many nights on Facebook for the simple reason of not being able to play games. Yes I would rather get on Facebook and play games where I have to beg for things from my friends than actually talk to any of them or look at their pictures or just silently stalk them. I have also traded a game that very few of friends play for one that many play, that is where the Flash issue comes in. Then if I can get it loaded about three minutes in it wants to refresh. 

I have been swamped at work and dealing with those things that come from being employed. I am not a fan of the holiday season because I already have issues with budgeting my time. I like the go go go of the holiday season. I think I posted earlier about that crush of go go go that starts in September and runs until March or April here at work. There was a DirecTV snafu this week which has accelerated the rush of this week. We have had customers make DirecTV employees cry which was no skin off our noses because that meant they did what they were supposed to do and called someone who could do something.

NOTE: If you have a problem with DirecTV, Verizon, Sprint, Dish Network, etc., do not go to a dealer to complain call the company. The company cares more to hear from a customer than from a dealer on behalf of a customer. But be nice. You will hopefully accomplish more through them. I have had Whirlpool customers get the part sent to them and warranty extensions for calling. That is the reward for being nice. Remember that always.

 There has been educational drama. But for matters of privacy and ethics I will leave it there. 

I have also just been suffering from distraction. Even this morning I was side tracked by one of those 'What were they thinking...' slide-shows on Yahoo because I have found email posting to be more effective.

I will be trying to hammer something out this afternoon in the way of a real thought provoking or mind numbing post. I haven't really decided yet.

love ya!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Really people?

Today I want to talk to people who drive.

The issue: blinkers or turn signals, you're the driver you choose. But I will call them blinkers and you will listen.

They are there both out of necessity and courtesy, please use them then.

On a weekday morning during school traffic you do not fool the six cars behind you when you wait until you have reached the stop sign to turn on your blinker. We all know that you didn't all of a sudden make the decision to turn left across traffic on the main street. It is apparent that you had that decision in mind when you left your dwelling. 

It is also not amusing that first of all you didn't use your blinker to let us know so that we could alter our route accordingly. I completely understand that the clicking noise is obnoxious when you are sitting in traffic but turn the radio on or speak to your fellow traveling companions. 

Then again you are probably also the same people who either ride for seven blocks with your turn signal on or who do not use it until after you have applied the breaks and have started to turn into the driveway or street of your destination. They are for signaling to the rest of the world that you will either be turning or not turning. Occasionally I will use them to signal to another car on a two-way feeder that I will not be taking the ramp to get onto the freeway and that they do not have to wait on me. That being said they are also important to use when exiting. Because there are times that it is difficult to discern when a car is right lane whether they will be exiting or continuing on the freeway, and I have been known to yield and start on my way only to find out that, yes that car was exiting. That is for both directions if the feeder is two way. 

love ya!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Thank you Tuesday...

I know that it has been awhile but my days off have been erratic and I've been pushing it at work trying to get prepared for our big annual sale in December and then for inventory after that. The big push is more for inventory because there is no organization in my office. I want it to work a little more smoothly instead of trying to scramble for the two weeks that it usually takes with someone always bugging me about being done but not offering to give me any help. 

More so today has been hectic because my mom had surgery on her back. This week has also made me question people who work in the medical profession. My mom had surgery at 10, which like all surgeries meant that she was not able to eat after midnight. At 2:30 when they wanted her to get up and walk they couldn't figure out why she was all dizzy. They never even asked her if she was hungry or needed anything to eat or to see if she had eaten, they only told her that it was common to feel that way after surgery. 

I had to go out and ask them to get her something for her to eat and you know what, fifteen minutes later she was okay and ready to get up and walk around so that she could leave.They say that you have to speak up but maybe our hospitals shouldn't think of it as a revolving door moneymaker.

I now am watching Extreme Couponing and well it worries. I am really worried about it. I am worried that people are so freaked out about saving money. Some of these people I think that they should just devout the time that they spend on couponing to just going out and finding a job. I understand that not everyone can just go out and find a job but quitting your job to this is kind of crazy. But I am going to go watch craziness.

love ya!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Quack quack quack...

Quacks come in threes remember that.

I probably will not get a post out tomorrow and if I do it will be tough to slam one out while at work. Yes I am just a bit sad that I have to work tomorrow. But I get a three day weekend because my boss told me to take Saturday and I already have Monday off so that I can take a test.

Things are not gelling at all this week but I will admit that today was a miraculously short day. The first time I looked at the clock is was a quarter to ten, which never happens on a Monday. I did however spend most of my day pasting the DU logo into a Word document to make table markers for the banquet. Tomorrow will cross off the first thing of the busy season which really starts in September and runs through to March.

September is usually when we first start having tropical storms hitting the coast which means we have to be prepared for that at work, this hurricane season those has proved to be extremely disappointing. As Summer winds down we are faced with an onslaught of packages first from market and then from DU. The word Ducks gets thrown around like a code word in those months. I didn't have to work on Ducks last year because I was student teaching but it doesn't seem as chaotic this year as it has in the past.

Then as soon as Ducks is over we start trying to gear up in my department for Thanksgiving which will run into Tent sale which is out annual sale and then into Christmas. December and January are chock full of deliveries first from the tent sale and regular Christmas purchases. January deliveries are more about the special orders that we ordered for tent sale. The beginning of the year is also when we start doing inventory which is a nightmare and a half. I will probably start working on pushing out as much of my merchandise as possible in the next month or so to just make that month better.

January and February also usually bring some kind of winter disaster that as far south as we are we are never prepared for. It is one day of not a blessed soul in the store which you pray for during inventory because we stay open during inventory which makes it difficult as well. I think that this year I will be working on making some lists of the items that are not huge sellers during that time of the season. I have boxes of mess that are the problem when it comes to inventory. That one day of no one is followed by two to three days of solid non-stop customers waiting for pipe to be cut. We actually ran out of things this year because the foul weather hit after our order went in and before it arrived. So we were working with whatever happened to be on a regular order, well actually what was left and on Friday the truck came in and that was gone before anything. There were a few things we had to wait until Tuesday for the next truck to come in.

It is always crazy but these are the months that are much more than normal.

love ya!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday, Thursday, Thursday....

Thursday where are you? 

I mean really. It is not even noon and I have caught up on all my blogs. Emptied the trash and started filling it up. Half way through a bottle of water, applesauce and fruit snacks. (Healthy breakfast yeah I know.)

Sorry about that got a little distracted. The weather is on and there are swirling masses of winds out in the ocean have to see what it could be. But alas my friends nothing heading this way. That seems to be the way that it is going to go this year that there will be no Texas bound swirling masses that will do anything. Instead we will be plagued by drought and impatience. 

I have a whole bunch of things that I wish that I could throw on eBay to get rid of them but we still don't have any takers for the last lot of control boards that we put on there. It makes me sad because they are good and I would be willing to cut a deal on them to get them out of here. Some of the things are more likely to need to go in the garbage, especially the ones that come out of the back room. It is a sinking mess of parts most of which are unidentifiable as to what they belong on or what kind of part number they have. More like a massive game of what is this and how much is it worth.

I seem to have a pimple on my shoulder. I'm so too old for that kinda mess. But really it is more of I'm too old to think that picking at it will make it better but I already did so now there is a scab and I can't so much do anything about it not because to me a scab is worse than a pimple. No really I take that back they are about even. I really just don't like anything that has festered up whether it is a white head or just an ingrown hair, if it can be popped to relieve the pressure it will be because a little redness is a lot better than people looking at it wondering if you know that it is there. To me popping means that you have seen it and have addressed the issue, that and some times white heads can become just downright painful if you let them fester to long. I also have a bad habit of putting greasy lotion on a pimple that is starting to form to make it come to the surface so that I may more efficiently take care of it. Yeah, I know, I'm kinda disgusting. 

I think that I have to go for now. I may be back after lunch unless I finally start scrubbing the floor behind the desk.

love ya!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Not so sure....

I just don't feel like writing today but I feel that I have to. I feel like I have to push through everything and I don't want to. I just want to stay in bed in the really awesome sheets that make it so much fun to go to bed at night. But I really need to get up and do the laundry, iron clothes, clean the kitchen and just clean up in general but instead I'm sitting here with the computer in my lap thinking about needing to eat lunch. I'm feeling sorry for myself when I really don't do anything to make sure that I move ahead in life.

I'm sorry that I'm feeling a little pathetic and acting that way.

love ya!

Monday, September 19, 2011


Last Tuesday I slept in and then went to a Taste of Home Cooking show and it went a little longer than the two hours that they say it will last, plus we had VIP tickets and got to go in at 3:30. So it was well after ten before I got home and I just couldn't think about doing anything else but going to bed. We also went and installed a vent-a-hood after we got up. I have to go in a few and find the key to the safety deposit box because I need to get something out of there for my brother.

I really shouldn't have set a goal for the blog because this always happens that as soon as I set a goal then I fall miserably off the wagon and never see the light of day again. Right now I really am more into reading blogs and looking at crafty things on the internet instead of sitting down and working on making something crafty. I need to print wedding pictures and work on making a scrapbook. I have made book on CVS for my mom, mother in law, Mimi and Grandma Nelson but still haven't done anything for myself with the pictures other than upload a few onto Facebook. They are on my computer and that is all that I've done with them. My mother-in-law has printed a few and they are stuck on my fridge and somewhere on the kitchen cabinet.

I'm not sure why I would rather read blogs than work on my own it just seems like I want to see what other people are doing and going from there about what I want to accomplish with mine. Right now though the shortcuts in Chrome are killing me opening new tabs, closed tabs and the history. That also could be that I keep fat fingering the control button and others at the same time.

School starting has really put a kink in doing a lot of things at night because I now have to fight a student population of several thousand students that haven't been there for the summer and it already kills. There are gobs of people at Wal-Mart that is already crowded all the time and most of them I think are there to be out of the dorm and they just wander aimlessly through the aisles.

Yes that is just a pet peeve of mine people that block the aisle looking for something and then still don't get anything before they move on. It would help if they hadn't turned the regular Wal-Mart into this quasi-super center it would be better. There are groceries but don't think that you are going to get a lot of options and that is if they are fully stocked. The last time that we were there, those very awesome mix ins of the Great Value variety were wiped out, there were hardly any canned drinks, there were lines at every check out that was open and you know that there weren't near enough check out lines open, because well there never are.

I have to go now, find a key, clean up the glass that I broke this morning on the bedroom floor, maybe fold a few clothes in the process.

love ya!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thank you Tuesday

Of course as soon as I set some kind of goal like having a particular day of the week post, I just really don't want to do it. I would rather just go onto to bed. So probably this week it will not happen.

So I am sorry to say that tonight I really just don't have the heart to write a thank you to anyone because well it would honestly be half-hearted and I can't do that to someone. A thank you is something that is really well written and occasionally awkward to write. For those who are married it is fresh in their minds how awkward it is to write a thank you not for the billionth towel or the hideous silver fruit basket that looks like something from the seventies and that you would have never registered for.

And personally I am not a huge fan of writing thank you notes because they seem forced and difficult to discern when it is truly required to send a thank you note. I know that after a wedding or baby shower that you should but what about every other gift that you get.

love ya!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Something new...

I have fallen off the blogging wagon and am in need to getting back to this on a more regular basis. I've been reading a lot of crafty blogs and quite a few different fashion blogs and well I am neither crafty nor fashionable. That being said I also don't feel comfortable putting pictures of what I am wearing on the internet because I don't do anything special. Really there is nothing special about a $4 Faded Glory shirt paired with Old Navy Jeans or dress pants from Macy's. But more of a way to get out all that mess that floats around in my head as I try to fall asleep, because really that is when my thoughts start forming into logical streams that would make good posts but that I never get out.

So I'm thinking that on Tuesdays I will be writing a 'Thank you' of some kind. Especially with Tuesday being my day off that shouldn't be too horrible of a task to complete.

love ya!

Holiday Monday...

Oh yes it is a Monday Holiday. That means that I get to have a real weekend plus a day. Well in reality it means that there is a holiday to link my weekend together. I would say that things are boring being home for three days but they are not and it is also a reminder of how much I need to do around the house. There are dishes in the sink and the dishwasher. There is a stack of laundry almost as tall as I am that needs to be done. There is an inch of dust on the furniture and a spider sanctuary under my bed. All of my clothes either need to be ironed or put into the closet.

I think that in a few I will have to find the hammer and some nails so that I can hang up some more of my wall accessories. I have been making progress in cleaning up the spare bedroom which is great because that means that I can get some of the mess out of the living room. Like my Christmas stuff that is put in boxes but the boxes are now just part of the living room decor.

There are some commercials on TV that just shouldn't be there. No one wants to hear you talk about your colon problems.

love ya!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Looking forward to fall....

I am soooo looking forward to fall. I'm ready to wear my dresses with cute sweaters and cute tights. Yeah I really am looking forward to wearing tights and sweaters which with as hot as it has been around here, I think that the last count was 23 days of triple digit weather in a row and 45 total this summer.

I know that I have to start looking now for a new black sweater. I kinda wish that I had just bought two when I found it because now I won't be able to find one and mine has a nice rusty patina. I have no idea what has happened to it but it looks black inside but in good light it starts to look a little rusty.

Our apartment cat has become our pet and will push on the door and scratch when he would like to come in the house. Which doesn't bother me it comes in and sits in the door to our kitchen and then has a total fit when we go in there like it has never had food and that we must comply.

Actually I would just like my clothes to fit better than they do but it has been too hot to go outside and start to walk. That to me is my favorite form of exercise is to walk. Maybe there will be a few nice days coming soon.

love ya!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thinking and reading...

Those are two things that have always gone hand in hand in my life thinking and reading.

Most of my childhood was spent with my nose in a book, even if it was the five minutes from school to home but somewhere along the way that stopped. Somewhere in time things got complicated and I stopped thinking and reading. I wanted to just read and when I did that without thinking well I didn't understand the books. Even a simple fourth grade reading level book that I read at least twice in the period from fifth grade to entering high school and neither time did I understand it. As a second year college senior I sat on the floor outside of the dance studio where my eight am pilates class was held I read it with utter fascination that I finally was able to understand what was going on. I wanted to cry because it was so beautiful and I wished that I hadn't spent all of those years thinking that it was a horrible book. This was also the same way I felt as a college freshman in a remedial math class when I finally understood the particulars of graphing functions and how to figure them out. (I still however do not understand the particulars of figuring out how to make a mixed nut combination that costs $4.99 a pound.)

I've been thinking a lot about why that book never appealed to my mind. I'm not sure if I was in such a hurry to read it that I couldn't create Wales in my head or that I didn't understand how the past and the present could so seamlessly glide back and forth.

I am still in awe of what I am seeing in the Lord of the Rings movies that I wondered why I hated The Hobbit that I never even attempted to read the trilogy. But at the same time I could jump into just about any of the Dragon Riders of Pern books and still desire to read even more of them. I think that I've read six of the books in that magnificent series and know that there are more that I have yet to read. I think the last time I had that bug I couldn't find them in the public library.

I will talk more about my obsession with books.

love ya!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Short sweet to the point...

This probably won't be the longest post because I just painted my fingers and they are still a little wet. I hate that the most waiting for them to dry when I put the top glitter coat on. Tomorrow I might put up some pics of the nails if they make it through the day.

Not sure if things are looking up or down or sideways at this point.

love ya!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday night time...

I feel that bitter seed deep down in my heart growing all the time, and lately it seems like more things are watering it.


I wish more than anything that one day I could have good news to post here about getting a new job or buying a house but that won't be happening anytime soon. I don't know why I can't find a job and please don't anyone start on the economy kick because I have applied everywhere and can't get a callback. Then if I do get a interview which is truly a covetous thing right now, that means that you made the short list things don't always go well. Well the interview does or I think it does and then I wait and wait and then I get kinda antsy and I start bugging people and then I get a call days later or even the next week to tell me that someone else was hired. 

I really have given up. I know that I think that that shows in my interview that I feel like I've already lost the job before I'm even given a chance. I know that people always say never turn down a job interview because it gives you the experience that you will need later but really I don't plan on doing so many interviews. I want to find a job and start a steady career. That makes me sad that I keep seeing other people get jobs and I'm still stuck in that first job out of college rut that I know will not get me anywhere. I know that here twice I have been passed over for a job that would have been a step up, well actually it was the same job two different times. 

I'm trying to make lemonade out of these stupid lemons but it's starting to hurt and I just want to be given a chance and I don't understand why I haven't been given any kind of chance.

love ya!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday at home....

It has been a long time since I've spent a Saturday at home without having to go somewhere or having any previous engagements. This is only because last night Just a boy and I went to the wedding of one of my oldest friends.

There were a few elements that I thought were pretty unique. They did not have a unity candle but they took two vials of colored sand (black and white) and the bride and groom poured them into a container to represent how they were becoming one and that they could no longer be separated and then the pastor poured purple over the top when they were done to represent the addition of Christ in their relationship. Another unique element that I think is specific to the venue is that on the inside doors of the church they have their names on the doors. I guess for those who are unsure of which side is for the bride and which is for the groom. It was really a beautiful venue.

They had the wedding ceremony in the chapel and the reception in the carriage house. I wish that I had taken pictures and I had planned to do that but for some reason when I got there I just couldn't pull the camera out. I was more concerned with snuggling up with Just a boy and being truly happy for my friend.

love ya!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

My nose....

My nose well it is killing me. After weeks and weeks of having little tiny bumps in my nose I was finally able to scratch them out. Yes I stuck my finger into my nasal cavity and scratched away until there were no more bumps. If God hadn't intended for fingers to be inserted into nostrils either our fingers would be larger or nostrils smaller. And when it is not in pain I am sneezing or suffering from unrelated hiccups.

love ya!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Spending a Thursday on the couch...

I wish that right now I had more to say but everything I'm feeling has been said before and that makes it, well pointless.

Really sad to see that it is almost the end of the summer and it doesn't even feel like it has started. Trying to figure out what this year is going to bring me. I know that maybe this is the wrong point in the year to figure that out but I still haven't really figured out what this year is going to be about for me.

I think that I am supposed to be learning about taking things in stride. My job though right now is not helping that. I am spending a lot of time telling myself that I am not responsible for what my co-workers are doing or not doing, that I am only responsible for what I do. I would say more but then it just turns into complaining and that doesn't help anyone. I can only say that things are starting to build up and I have to keep my nose clean to make sure that as little as possible hits me.

But I know that it will hit me, it always hits me. Have to watch the runway portion of Project Runway.

love ya!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011 maybe I am a nerd....

Definite signs that I am a nerd.

Today I smiled when I saw the Google doodle for Mendel's 189th birthday and I didn't not have to look him up to know why there were pea pods making letters. Most of the time I do not have to look up the Google Doodle to understand.

I  came really close to smacking the guy who told his sister that she would have to explain Harry Potter to him during the movie.

I can answer almost all of the commercial break questions on the Discovery Fit and Health programming. I only word it that way because there are a few different ones that have questions during the breaks.

I can remember the diagnosis if we have seen the episode before but I can't remember which shoes I wore to work on Monday.

I will look up famous people that are mentioned on TV shows just so that I can know more about that person. 

I like Warehouse 13 and if you haven't watched it you should check it out. Learn a little history while you're at it.

love ya!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Enjoying the time...

I think that is one of those things that I really forget about a lot of the time is to just enjoy what I have. These last few weeks and the last two years have been about that. There are things that I really just forget about that I should stop and think about what is going on and just to enjoy the time.

I look back at the times that me and Just a Boy would spend the evening snuggled up on a twin size daybed watching whatever his brother had on the tv. Or just snuggled up on the couch with all the lights off watching the fish in the fist tank. That has to be one of the most peaceful things on earth to just sit and watch a few fish in a fish tank swim around. To see the pecking order of a different world, one that you truly don't understand how it runs.

We spent most of the afternoon with Just a Boy's grandmother taking her to get some diabetic supplies. I think that the best part of the day was when we turned around at the edge of town to go back and go get ice cream at Ben & Jerry's which truly makes me happy. A few years ago when we went to Washington DC that was my one request before we left was to get B&J's at a scoop shop or eat Chinese food, sadly we ate Chinese food at the food court in Union Station. It is debatable on whether that was a better choice. I was in severe need of food because the hotdog I ate at 10:30 was not enough to sustain me until 2:45 when we turned around. I'm not sure if the sweet cream and cookies was that good or if I was just that hungry, but it was a good choice. I thought that it wouldn't be the best idea because it's basically cookies and cream and that has a tendency to be a little blah at times. I'm waiting for the day that someone decides to make cookies and cream ice cream using the mint Oreos.

Right now I'm just trying to motivate myself off of the couch to do the dishes or clean up the living room. But I really want to see a bean burrito stuck on the end of Speedy Gonzalez' nose. Until that happens I don't know if I will be able to get off the couch because well obviously my husband has never seen Daffy Duck's Fantastic Island.

love ya!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Trying to work it out...

I'm just trying to work it out right now and things aren't going so well. Right now I seem to just be moving things from one place to another in my house. Even in my office it took me over an hour to clean up my desk which wouldn't have taken so long if there weren't so many customers while I was working on it. Then as soon as I finished I pretty much lost steam. That was the end of working on my office and of course there was laundry to do when work was done. Of course I will admit that I may be exaggerating the extent of doing laundry since my mom has been on vacation and volunteered to do it. I think that she really wanted me to stay when I came to pick it up and help her because she has been cleaning as well.

Of course that does mean that she is taking things that she wants to no longer be in her household and which means that they end up in my household. So that is making it worse since there are too many things in my house that do not have a place and are already overcrowded.

I wish that there was more for me to say right now so I will be out reading and commenting in other places.

love ya!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I just don't have the words right now to communicate anything that I feel. It makes me sad and it makes me confused and I really don't know which way is up and things are just piling up and time is running out. I've tried to do all kinds of different things to motivate myself but in the end it really doesn't make any difference because I still feel the same, I still feel like no matter how much I try that I'm still barely treading water to keep my head above it. I'm just getting tired at this point and I don't want to try and keep my head above the water any longer, I just want to sink below the water and find an end.

It's like all the signs are showing me that there is something wrong but in the end I really can't put my finger on it and I'm not sure if I want to. Maybe this is just how it is supposed to be that we just keep trying to keep our heads above the water and in the end those that are strong will make it to the other side and those of us who are not will quietly sink beneath the turbulent waters of life and hopefully find some peace.

love ya!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Love is the action

And this is what it means....

love ya!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Saturday afternoon...

I still have yet to decide what I am going to do tonight so I thought that I might go ahead and see if I can get a post hammered out. 

I've been suffering from 'I don't wanna do it' on so many things that right now there are dishes on my couch, pieces of sock on the floor, and half rotten strawberries in my fridge. Yeah I'm suffering from the ultimate of lazy but the dishes in the dishwasher are supposedly clean we will see if the dishwasher has a job later and the trash has gone to the dumpster. And that was only because I sacked it up and set it by the front door for my husband to take last night when we got home from work. Trying to get an update on whether they need more volunteer help which will provide me with a to do list for tonight. The donation site is open until eight just in case people were to come in. I figured though with today being Saturday that they would be in need of more help just to clean up the stacks and boxes and tables. Organization doesn't happen to be a strong point on what we have.  

There have been a few accommodations that have been made as the game has been going on and that has caused a few problems. Today has been a seemingly decent Saturday for work things haven't been crazy for statements to be closing out on Wednesday. Next Saturday will be a game changer though because it will be the first Saturday after statements go out which can be a little hectic because after a month people tend to forget what they have charged or how much they have charged and some didn't pay the month before so that always makes it not work out so well. 

I wish that when I had started today that I had a point to what I was going to write but I didn't. I have the need to write and I spent over and hour sitting in the tub after I couldn't sleep writing because I think well in there. There are no distractions in our bathroom. It is directly in the middle of the apartment building along with the bathrooms for the other three units. There are no windows and nothing distracting and it felt good to just sit and write and not think about what else was going on but that is my problem that I write really well for an hour or two and then I lose focus on what I am working on and don't want to do it after that. Then I always have an idea of where I want it to go but I get in a rush trying to get to that point. Or I have tried to write sections and then try to tie them together but I always forget about trying to tie them together and end up with a stack of disjointed pieces. 

love ya!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Holy jalepenos...

Yeah that's how I feel about this week. I wish that I could say that I have a...wait I do have a good excuse for why I've been busy. It is important to know that right now in Texas everywhere in Texas the grass is crispy and as Robin Williams said in Good Morning Vietnam, 'it's hot, it's damn hot.'

That being said there are currently 16 active fires in the state right now and that changes from day to day. I think that this week that is the smallest number one day there were 22 and most of them were new. It is bad enough that even fires as small as one acre are on the website check it out if you're wondering.

I was glad to see that after a month the one up near Amarillo is finally out. The updates aren't coming as fast for the local one after we had a good little shower come through for a few hours it gave them plenty of time to get it under control. There were firefighters from 48 different agencies and from as far away as Alaska. That is crazy.

I have seen something amazing and I will try and get some pictures tomorrow. But we have been set up as a donation drop-off for the Red Cross. There are more clothes than I have ever seen and more to come. They actually had to turn away a truck full because we have no more room for them. Blankets and sheets and all kinds of things. I know that I am leaving in the middle of the story but I really can't stay any longer tonight.

love ya!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Taking time to relax...

Just trying to take time to relax and get things done instead of frantically watching the days fly by in this year. It happens every year there is something that I'm watching fly off the calendar. Well more that from point A to point B seem to go fast and there is always another point A that comes around.

Hopefully tomorrow I will get a few pictures up.

love ya!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Noodles and thoughts...

My allergies have finally kicked in and they are hitting me with a power that even Nyquil has not been able to kick because an hour after I took it I was still sitting in bed waiting for sleep.

I am in a total world of hurt right now and I hope that the scale is broken because if I really gained 12 pounds in the last week by the end of the year I will be qualifying for the Biggest Loser and I can't do that. I have a wedding to go to at the end of July and a brother-in-law getting married in September or October. I have got to look good. The last dress that I wore to a wedding is kinda snug and it is getting a little bit depressing to wear black to weddings.

I have cut back on the carbs as a whole since I got married because well my husband is not quite a big fan of noodles, so any time I have a chance I get noodles at a restaurant and I really am not a big meat fan so I really have no idea where the weight comes from.

What is really killing me is that in the last week I have really been trying to cut back on the things that I don't need to eat and having been drinking ounces and ounces of water. Of course that could be the problem is all the water. Kidney problems run in my family and it always worries me when I drink a whole lot of water and not a whole lot comes out it makes me worry that my kidneys are starting to lose function which is not what a 25 year old should be worrying about.

love ya!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Just a girl....

I don't think that I ever wrote that first post to talk about myself and what I like and just give an idea of who I am.

I'm Just a girl who finally found her one and only in the last place she thought. I never expected Just a boy to be the guy who rang the doorbell to fix the TV.

I like to bake. I love reading and pretty much all my first loves and best friends are in between the pages of the books that line my shelves. I love art and I mean the real deal. Not so much into that newer stuff, I prefer to see the masters.

I love music and movies. I think that they go hand in hand. Most days you can find me chained to my desk with Pandora playing in the background. And if you're really lucky you may catch me singing along with the radio.

I will always love a good love story no matter how sad it may be but I will watch it over and over again.

love ya!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Just a boy's little white puppy...

This is Just a Boy's little white puppy...okay well he's full grown dog a Westie and well we love him. I wish I could say that he liked the camera but he doesn't and that was the best I could do. I figured that I should probably be putting a few more pictures up and I should have been doing some more blogging this week since it is vacation time for me but that didn't happen.

I didn't get anything done this week. I didn't even get a chance to see the little white puppy dog. He doesn't live with us while we're in the apartment and we are working on getting a place where we can have him with us but that is going to be a little while before he can stay with us. It's okay we see him on most weekends and we try the best to make the time worth it. Right now though he is suffering from fleas and the heat. I really thought about getting one of those cones to put on him to keep him from chewing the fur off his backside that is until I saw Sassy my father-in-law's dog helping him by chewing on fleas for him. She hasn't really been the same since the puppy's have gone onto other homes and has adopted Apollo as her own and she has become protective of him, even following us along the shoreline of the lake panicking that he is going to fall in the water. If she isn't freaking out on the shore she is swimming along beside us sounding like a freight train.

I kinda miss having a pet at the house because well as much as I love Dollie and the gang they just don't cut it for companionship.

love ya!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Fried chicken and things...

I don't know why but Fried Chicken has been on my mind for the last 36 hours give or take. Yeah, I know weird but it't been the thoughts that have accompanied me on my solo walk down the creaky back aisle to the bathroom.  But really this is the thought that has gotten the most brain time...why when you order a large batch of fried chicken do they think that you want a whole bunch of those puny little chicken wings. 

Now I'm not talking mainstream fried chicken ordering because well I will go some for some spicy Brookshire Brothers Fried Chicken any day of the week especially that first post church batch on any given Sunday. Sunday fried chicken always seems to be greasier and more flavorful than any other day of the week. Right now would be the time that I should have a picture of one of those lovely pieces of chicken. But it always saddens me that in a 10 or 12 piece order there are 5 or 6 or more of those dinky chicken wings. They just shouldn't be able to count as a whole piece. I mean when you get the oh so coveted chicken breast you know that is 1 piece. I know that in our family that even for dinner or snack people will go peaking into the chicken bag for a piece only to find those malnourished chicken wings. No one goes running through our house clutching the bag like a football so that they can get the chicken wings they do that so that they don't have to end up with a stack of chicken wings trying to make a righteous piece or two. I've never seen people at family or church potlucks get excited for chicken wings but poke through the abandoned wings for maybe a malnourished leg that could be hiding, and then they move on to the meager plates still full of pork products, settling and vowing once again to be closer to the head of the line next time.

Also it is not fried chicken if you cook it in the oven. It just isn't the same. I should be able to hear the faint echoes of grease while I wait with my plate anticipating what that piece of chicken will taste like.

Personally I like eating chicken breast but will usually forgo that piece so that my husband can have it. I will however gnaw every possible morsel of meat off of a chicken leg in a heartbeat.

love ya!

(ps I think we might be having fried chicken for dinner!!)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Another Friday...

It is once again Friday and I can't wait until tomorrow at five o'clock. 

I wish that I had good news but I don't because things have just been haywire and things haven't been going in any direction that I can tell. It is more like a frantic crazy circle of life that there is no beginning or end just one continuously looping line. 

love ya!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Just here...

I'm just here. That's really all I have to say about how today went. There has just been a lot of stress and it's starting to take hold of me and well it's making feel it. I happen to be feeling it currently in that little area between my bellybutton and the button on my jeans.

I am hopeful that I will be getting some cool water in shower soon. I never thought it would be a problem to have hot water but it's starting to get painful when there is hot, hotter and hot tub coming out of the shower head. I wouldn't really complain but it is summer and I already have dry skin and then adding hot water to that means that I constantly have to apply lotion to keep from having a grayish sheen to my skin.

I will be working more on the email posting this week because I will be glued to my desk for a few days this week.

love ya!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Trying something new...

I'm going to give this email blogging a chance and if it works there will probably be more blogging because I can do it at work without giving away that I blog.
Crossing my fingers and hoping that this all works in the end.
love ya!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Total realization...

For mother's day my mom wanted to go to the movies and that's what we did. We made a pit stop at Wendy's for lunch, King Dollar for movie snacks, movies and then after the movies we went by Half Price books.

I could get lost in a bookstore but I really like Half-Price books more than anything else. They just moved so it seems like they have waaaay more books than before. It's not as cozy as the old store but I'd rather have more books to look at.

The new space is more industrial and seems raw. The air conditioner was out or it may have just not been able to keep up on Sunday and the doors were open and there was just a warm breeze to keep the air circulating in the building.

But it was the atomsphere in there that really made me think about it. That in books that is where I first found the loves of my life. In those pages of so many books are the people that taught me about life, love and being everything that I could possibly be. The different books I saw were like greeting old friends and even though I own the books there were quite a few that I picked up and flipped through the pages hoping to hear the words in my head. To relate those books to moments in my life and for many books I can.

I remember reading about Hank the cowdog and Drover and I had no idea that there were 57 books in the series. That makes me smile and think that there are so many that I haven't read. Boxcar Children and thinking how cool their adventures were from living in a boxcar to a purple hotel pool. Nancy and Ned hanging out with Bess and George and not even realizing that those books were set so far before I could even imagine.

Ethan Frome, Mrs. deWinter, Mr. Darcy, Tim O'Brien and so many others that were there for me, that taught me how to feel, how to think and gave me the desire to write.

oh how I miss writing and reading.

love ya!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Have been partaking in a Grey's Anatomy marathon...

All it means is that I've been spending the last few weeks identifying with all the different interns at some point and it seems to be making me miserable. Finally to season five and it makes me sad to know that soon there will be no more George and that eventually there will be a whole new set of residents and interns that will be there.

I'm having a problem writing. Every night as I lay in bed waiting to fall asleep I keep starting these different scenes of a new story and I just can't seem to make it happen when I finally sit down with a pen and paper. Trying to deal with a whole set of emotions that I can't really seem to handle. It scares me that the one thing that I've always been able to rely on and come back to seems to be the hardest thing for me to do right now. I've spent hours scribbling in notebooks and tapping out blog entries.

I want it to rain. I want to feel the rain on my skin. Last night when I was watering my tomato plants I poured water on my feet so that I could just feel wet concrete under my feet. I love the way warm concrete smells after it rains. There is something that I find so comforting that it makes me smile and I want that again. I'm sick of every time that I turn on the news they're talking about more acres of Texas on fire. I just don't like hearing about how close it is getting to cities or how many houses that have burned. In total I think that there has only been one casualty, a firefighter hit by a firetruck.

Anyone that has a windmill to generate electricity right now is doing fine. The wind hasn't stopped in days and it rained enough to make it humid one day last week. Which is what is causing most of the problem here, low humidity and sixty to seventy mile an hour winds.

I have no desire to do anything right now because I just can't seem to make myself get up and do the dishes. I can't even think about starting on cleaning out my spare bedroom. I've been in the apartment for over a year now and I still can't make myself clean. I have things that need to go to the dumpster but I'm afraid that I will get blown away on my way there.

My poor tomato plants are being bruised and battered by this wind. The weed that we have inherited is taller than I am and seems to be prosperous in this kind of weather. I have no idea what my neighbor is doing but it sounds like he moves furniture all the time. He lives by himself so I don't really know why there is always the sound of furniture moving.

There is still a hole in the ceiling of my kitchen and I hate it. I hate it every time that I walk into my already tiny kitchen. The ceiling has stopped dripping which makes it a tiny bit better but it still irritates me. It irritates me that the area around the vent is so rotten that the vent has fallen off the wall and my kitchen stays at an average of 64 degrees all the time because there is no where for the air to go.

Maybe the allure of pen and paper is my problem that even as much as I love to write that that is my problem that I have a hard problem getting rid of bad writing. I hate scratching things out when I write in a notebook. Maybe there is a permanence to writing in a notebook is my problem. I have to quite since I've finally started rambling.

Off to do laundry and watch fat people.

love ya!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Taking a moment...

Really just taking a moment to try and relax. Have a few peaceful moments before a week that will be anything but peaceful. Even if I say that it will that won't change anything about how it goes. Just really haven't felt like writing. It doesn't do the same thing for me that it use to. It makes me sad that I don't get the same feeling from writing as I once did. I just feel like something is wrong with me. Nothing really makes me feel anything and I hate. I really want to eat but nothing sounds good. I want to cook but there really isn't anything that I want to make or that I have the time to make. And then my kitchen is tiny and it makes it hard to do anything. I would love to make cookies but I don't have any I love the clothes in Because I Said So. I don't know why but I just love the clothes. I don't even have anything to really talk about. I love her apartment too. Don't really know what it is about this movie that really draws me to it. It looks like it has an old fashioned car shop garage door in it. Which to me sounds totally awesome because you just roll it up and back in to load your stuff up. And I love his house on the canal which is so cute. And the fact that even as small as the house probably is but you can't really tell it has a Viking range in it. I don't understand why Hollywood thinks that every kitchen needs a Viking range. Give me a good ole basic Whirlpool range and I'll cook to my hearts content. My favorite though is the kitchen in A Walk in the Clouds that huge hacienda style kitchen with the huge table in the center or maybe the kitchen in The Family Stone. That whole house is amazing but I love the kitchen because to me the kitchen is the heart of the house. Literally the heartbeat and soul of a house and I can't wait to have my own house so that I can decorate my kitchen. I like the idea of a big ole table in the kitchen that everyone can pile around and maybe a comfy chair in the corner or maybe a loveseat or just an over sized chair so that while I'm in the kitchen my husband can sit there or vice versa. I just like the idea that you should be able to live in your kitchen more than anywhere else in the house. Really all I need is a one bedroom, one and a half bath house with a nice kitchen and a small den. That's all...oh and a laundry room or a bathroom big enough to put a front load set in a closet because I really like that idea of the washer/dryer in a closet in the bathroom. I have two cute little tomatoes that are being beaten to death by these winds that are making things beautiful outside but dangerous since it is so dry. I'm sure that I will have to come back and talk about what I want in a house or how I want to decorate it as well as Because I Said So because I love the movie. I do not however like the way that the mom lies to the daughter in the movie. Love her couch, and that style is very comfortable we use to have one kinda similiar to it in blue and lower at church. love ya!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The carnival ride....

Yesterday was one of those days when I really wanted to know when the carnival ride would be over because it seemed to start before I got to the time clock and didn't end until almost ten minutes after five. I hate when the day before I'm off is like that because it only has a certain ending. It will end with me walking into my office tomorrow there will be paper work everywhere. There will be open boxes with packing slips everywhere. I will have no idea what my techs are going to be doing. I will have no pens even the ones that I have brought to my desk. I will have no tape and probably no box cutter. And there will be a lecture about keeping my office clean from the man who cleans his desk off once a month and stashes it all over the store. I can't really think about it right now. I try not to let it ruin my day off and my nights. We've been on a Grey's Anatomy marathon and we are almost to the last disc of season two. It has been a lesson in craziness. But it was just one of those days where I think everyone wished they has worked through lunch so that we could close at four. Then of course when five o'clock came I was still in the middle of trying to get things done. I had to sit and wait for a customer's son to call and he never called and because of that I didn't get that much done. So at five when I was trying to shut down I had to stop and retype a fax order form and a few other things. Resending an email because I am being ignored by one of my reps so I send it to his work and personal email and I will send it everyday until I get a response or he comes in. love ya!

Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm a little sad....

I'm a little sad...Tater and Tot have both gone to that big fishbowl in the sky. I'm not exactly sure what happened. Tot was the first to go and then a few days later Tater died in the night. I have to think that it was sadness that took Tater, and that is what I'm going to tell myself. It really has been one of those weeks that I just want it to end. I really just want to atke my week of vacation and just sleep. I'm not sure why I just feel so worn out all of a sudden. Then on the other hand I'm not just worn out but in a funk that I can't really seem to get out of. Then anytime I think that I'm getting close to being out of the funk something pushes me back down and I'm starting to get bitter. I don't want to be bitter but that is all that I feel right now. I don't know how to get out of that funk of bitterness. I just feel like all I want is to be left alone and not have to listen to people who have what they have and want more. Or want better of what they have when nothing is wrong with what they actually have. I just have this overwhelming want and desire to download. To just let everything run out of my mouth, all the hurts and pains, the problems that I have right now. I just feel overwhelmed by everything and that makes it hard for me to go and relax. I just want to be able to sit in a tub full of bubbles and warm water and relax. But I can't when I know that I forgot to put my credit card bill in the mail and its due tomorrow. I know that I need to exercise because I know that I've put on some weight and that my blood pressure is up. I know that it isn't horrible but it is still high for my record. I have big fat flabby arms that have gotten worse since I got married. And I have these pockets like doughy biscuits on my hips that I have never had before and there is nothing that is going to make it better. I probably shouldn't be watching Grey's Anatomy right now but I totally feel her right now. I feel the pain and anguish and the total lack of direction. Maybe that is my problem right now that I just don't have any direction. That because I have no direction I have this problem. I feel like the victim. I've made myself the victim. I'm the victim of myself. I just can't go any farther. I have to go and figure out how to get out of this funk. love ya!

Monday, March 28, 2011

What I've learned from being married....

I've learend in the last year that no matter how open you are in a relationship, you aren't always completely open with who you are. There is something that you hold back because you know that it is just weird enough to make them wonder about you. The thing that you really don't want them to know about is usually something that you don't think is weird. It could be anything from the way that you eat to the way that you go to bed at night. I have a strange habit of putting onion powder on most of my food even though I hate onions. I eat my green beans with ranch dressing. (and so do my brothers and cousins) That one I have kinda kept at bay but then again I eat ranch dressing with all kinds of things. I prefer ranch dressing to ranch dip. I frequently forget to use anything more than shampoo in the shower. I will sit in the bathtub long after the water is gone because it is a familiar and comfortable memory. I can live on sandwiches for days. I will eat chocolate until I am sick to my stomach and can no longer function. I will buy books with no intention of actually reading them in the near future. I will keep anything and everything. There is a quite a disconnect between what I think I can do and what I can actually accomplish in a given time. Which explains all the many different crafty projects spread through my apartment. love ya!


This is Dolly. She is one year old today...well I say that she is one year old, she has been with us one full year. I know the shot is kinda of blurry but she got a little scared of the camera and it took a bit to get her out from behind the castle.

On the very right of the picture are Nickel and Dime and amazingly that is the same size that Dolly was one year ago.

She is the only fish that we bought on our honeymoon that survived. She has survived two turtles, a pack of mean and aggressive fish that escape me currently.

I almost had to put some food in the tank to get her to come out and then I still wouldn't have gotten a good picture because she turns into a vaccum cleaner, I'm sure a habit that she learned in the pet store aquarium that you eat as fast as you can or you don't get any food. It's cute but she will get bigger, I promise and I know. I think that her size is up to seven inches and right now she's not even half of that.

Man I could really go for a trip to Hobby Lobby. Easter makes me want to be crafty.

love ya!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

One year...

One year ago today, I married the love of my life and no it really doesn't feel like a year. We've been having that reteaching moments a lot over the last month with people wanting to tell us that it hasn't been a year. I don't know why everyone wants to have that discussion especially with the ones that were there because it means that they weren't paying that much attention. Tomorrow I will be posting on Dolly's one year birthday. Because that really doesn't feel like it's been a year since we got her and she probably could take over the fish tank if there weren't other fishies. She is kinda slow and skittish but we love her just the same. Which also reminds me that I have yet to feed them tonight and the natives well they get restless if we don't feed them between 9:30 and 10 every night. They start getting into a panic and go to the front of the tank like they want us to know that they are still there and that they haven't been fed. I can almost hear them calling 'Mommy, mommy feed us!!!'. If they could get out of the tank they would and come sit on my lap just so that I would know that they have yet to be fed and that they are in fact hungry. We have been at my mother-in-law's house today and spending a little time with our puppy who has a goopy eye. We got some eyedrops into it and it's really hard to know because he tends to be a tiny bit of a faker. We've seen the fake limp many times and some times we find that it switches sides from moment to moment. That whole, 'oh no wrong side' switcheroo. He was sad and wimpering but that could also be because Sassy sat on him while I was trying to get a good look at him and she is big enough to knock me down and boy did she try. She likes to try and mother him which usually ends with her getting in the way. When we take Apollo in the boat she swims along behind us or runs around the edge of the lake because she is so paranoid that we are going to lose him in the water. Some pics tomorrow of the Dolly and Apollo. love ya!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So many things on my mind and I just can't give them the time to be written out. I have to start working on that but right now I really need to be writing up a new resume and some other things for a job opening that I've spotted online because every time there is one at this place I put it off and put it off until it gets filled and I'm not going to do that this time.

I don't even want to think about the fact that it is almost shorts and bathing suit weather. I won't say bikini weather because that just isn't going to happen, never has and never will. I'm just not shaped right to wear a bathing suit. I'm just a big rectangle. Wide shoulders, wide hips and wide everywhere in between. With big legs. Not long legs, big legs. I even have big calves and part of that is a really nice layer of fat on them.

It really is time to start shedding the winter coat because clothes are just so much more fun. You can always layer on the clothes to beat the cold weather instead of keeping that layer of fat.

Have to see who gets kicked off America's Next Top Model.

love ya!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wow...100 posts...what the hey-hey...

I really didn't notice how many posts that I've put up here because I know that it isn't nearly enough for the amount of time that I've been on this blog, but this makes number 100! I usually don't stick with things too long except for this and the older blog.

I just really can't seem to make the time for these kinds of things. No one reads the old blog except for those mindless web crawling things that really don't interest me too much. I'm not sure if I like the idea of people I don't know reading what I write without any kind of response. I don't like that there are people out there that are just reading it and making their comments to themselves.

I'm really fighting the urge to do anything right now because I know that I'm going to be spending the rest of the afternoon trying to avoid the sun as my sugar bear and brother go fishing. I have no desire to do that. My pale Irish skin can't handle the sun and fishing. It's boring. I have picked out which of the ponds of I would like to fish at in my mind. It's split between two different sections of the place that we are going but it always seems to have the most shade and the best of the banks to sit on. That's what I'm concerned about is when your legs start to sweat and then the grass starts to stick and then I start to itch. I can't stand being all itchy and having no where to go. I already know that I will be sweaty to a point where I can't stand it. That point when the collar of your t-shirt is soaking wet and seems to be getting smaller with every breath that you take.

I am just not ready to let go of being inside. This is one of those first signs that the hot season is coming and once it comes, it stays and stays. With the exception of two terribly cold weeks winter was kind of mild which means that the bugs will be bad this year because it never got cold enough to kill them off. I'm already miserable and all I did was get dressed and put on sunscreen, because yes it is warm enough for me to get a sunburn and it's only in the 70s. We went to the zoo last Wednesday and I had a nice red necklace from the shirt that I chose to wear.

I'm sorry if this seems choppy but I'm trying to catch up on other blogs and commenting and what not. I really need someone to come and clean my house that would make me feel tons and tons better than I do right now. Everytime I get started then something happens that I can't get it finished. Or I can't get started. I have a problem with starting. Kind of a starts runs a little and then dies, any prognosises?

Love ya!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Thinking things through...

It's coming on it being a year since I married my soulmate and love of my life, my sugar bear. I've been reading some of my old texts from my sugar bear and I'm sure that if I look hard enough I will find a few letters that he wrote me in the year before we got married. I am that kind of sappy person that I've held onto a dozen or so texts and a handful of letters.

I love him, I always have, and I always will.

love ya!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday night...

I love that it is Friday night

love ya!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New month no new plans...

I've learned in the last two months that obviously I'm not any good at setting any kind of goal. I've tried more than once to start some kind of goal usually with direct reference to this blog but things seem to go by the wayside soon after I start. So this time I'm not going to say anything about what I want to do this month or what I want to do. I do plan to get some pictures up here. That is something that I really want to work on doing is taking more pictures in my everyday life because that's how you remember things when you can't remember anymore.

I do know that I'm going to have to start eating better because my pants are starting to cry when I go to put them on. There are not words to describe what is going on in my closet because I need to slim it up a little and start eating healthier. I'm trying to start with small changes like making sure that I take a vitamin everyday and drinking more water. Those are the two things that I really forget to do on a regular basis.

So maybe there are things that I will finally be able to get it out. There are too many things that have been rolling around in my mind that I really need to talk about.

Things at work are going well slow and very circular. Yes very circular, kinda like one of those wheels that a hamster runs on. There are so many things to do and then I never seem to get anything done but I'm working on it. I really really am. There are a few things that I would like to get taken care of but that doesn't really seem to happen to often. The big thing that has happened is that there has been a major influx of things coming into the shop. But that is a good sign that business is booming at least for us. It's slow going with this much stuff coming in. I'm having a hard time trying to get things out of the shop more so than coming in.

Maybe things will slow down and I will get to spend some quality time writing in the next week or so.

love ya!