Thursday, June 9, 2011

Noodles and thoughts...

My allergies have finally kicked in and they are hitting me with a power that even Nyquil has not been able to kick because an hour after I took it I was still sitting in bed waiting for sleep.

I am in a total world of hurt right now and I hope that the scale is broken because if I really gained 12 pounds in the last week by the end of the year I will be qualifying for the Biggest Loser and I can't do that. I have a wedding to go to at the end of July and a brother-in-law getting married in September or October. I have got to look good. The last dress that I wore to a wedding is kinda snug and it is getting a little bit depressing to wear black to weddings.

I have cut back on the carbs as a whole since I got married because well my husband is not quite a big fan of noodles, so any time I have a chance I get noodles at a restaurant and I really am not a big meat fan so I really have no idea where the weight comes from.

What is really killing me is that in the last week I have really been trying to cut back on the things that I don't need to eat and having been drinking ounces and ounces of water. Of course that could be the problem is all the water. Kidney problems run in my family and it always worries me when I drink a whole lot of water and not a whole lot comes out it makes me worry that my kidneys are starting to lose function which is not what a 25 year old should be worrying about.

love ya!

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