Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Looking forward to fall....

I am soooo looking forward to fall. I'm ready to wear my dresses with cute sweaters and cute tights. Yeah I really am looking forward to wearing tights and sweaters which with as hot as it has been around here, I think that the last count was 23 days of triple digit weather in a row and 45 total this summer.

I know that I have to start looking now for a new black sweater. I kinda wish that I had just bought two when I found it because now I won't be able to find one and mine has a nice rusty patina. I have no idea what has happened to it but it looks black inside but in good light it starts to look a little rusty.

Our apartment cat has become our pet and will push on the door and scratch when he would like to come in the house. Which doesn't bother me it comes in and sits in the door to our kitchen and then has a total fit when we go in there like it has never had food and that we must comply.

Actually I would just like my clothes to fit better than they do but it has been too hot to go outside and start to walk. That to me is my favorite form of exercise is to walk. Maybe there will be a few nice days coming soon.

love ya!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thinking and reading...

Those are two things that have always gone hand in hand in my life thinking and reading.

Most of my childhood was spent with my nose in a book, even if it was the five minutes from school to home but somewhere along the way that stopped. Somewhere in time things got complicated and I stopped thinking and reading. I wanted to just read and when I did that without thinking well I didn't understand the books. Even a simple fourth grade reading level book that I read at least twice in the period from fifth grade to entering high school and neither time did I understand it. As a second year college senior I sat on the floor outside of the dance studio where my eight am pilates class was held I read it with utter fascination that I finally was able to understand what was going on. I wanted to cry because it was so beautiful and I wished that I hadn't spent all of those years thinking that it was a horrible book. This was also the same way I felt as a college freshman in a remedial math class when I finally understood the particulars of graphing functions and how to figure them out. (I still however do not understand the particulars of figuring out how to make a mixed nut combination that costs $4.99 a pound.)

I've been thinking a lot about why that book never appealed to my mind. I'm not sure if I was in such a hurry to read it that I couldn't create Wales in my head or that I didn't understand how the past and the present could so seamlessly glide back and forth.

I am still in awe of what I am seeing in the Lord of the Rings movies that I wondered why I hated The Hobbit that I never even attempted to read the trilogy. But at the same time I could jump into just about any of the Dragon Riders of Pern books and still desire to read even more of them. I think that I've read six of the books in that magnificent series and know that there are more that I have yet to read. I think the last time I had that bug I couldn't find them in the public library.

I will talk more about my obsession with books.

love ya!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Short sweet to the point...

This probably won't be the longest post because I just painted my fingers and they are still a little wet. I hate that the most waiting for them to dry when I put the top glitter coat on. Tomorrow I might put up some pics of the nails if they make it through the day.

Not sure if things are looking up or down or sideways at this point.

love ya!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday night time...

I feel that bitter seed deep down in my heart growing all the time, and lately it seems like more things are watering it.


I wish more than anything that one day I could have good news to post here about getting a new job or buying a house but that won't be happening anytime soon. I don't know why I can't find a job and please don't anyone start on the economy kick because I have applied everywhere and can't get a callback. Then if I do get a interview which is truly a covetous thing right now, that means that you made the short list things don't always go well. Well the interview does or I think it does and then I wait and wait and then I get kinda antsy and I start bugging people and then I get a call days later or even the next week to tell me that someone else was hired. 

I really have given up. I know that I think that that shows in my interview that I feel like I've already lost the job before I'm even given a chance. I know that people always say never turn down a job interview because it gives you the experience that you will need later but really I don't plan on doing so many interviews. I want to find a job and start a steady career. That makes me sad that I keep seeing other people get jobs and I'm still stuck in that first job out of college rut that I know will not get me anywhere. I know that here twice I have been passed over for a job that would have been a step up, well actually it was the same job two different times. 

I'm trying to make lemonade out of these stupid lemons but it's starting to hurt and I just want to be given a chance and I don't understand why I haven't been given any kind of chance.

love ya!