Monday, May 9, 2011

Total realization...

For mother's day my mom wanted to go to the movies and that's what we did. We made a pit stop at Wendy's for lunch, King Dollar for movie snacks, movies and then after the movies we went by Half Price books.

I could get lost in a bookstore but I really like Half-Price books more than anything else. They just moved so it seems like they have waaaay more books than before. It's not as cozy as the old store but I'd rather have more books to look at.

The new space is more industrial and seems raw. The air conditioner was out or it may have just not been able to keep up on Sunday and the doors were open and there was just a warm breeze to keep the air circulating in the building.

But it was the atomsphere in there that really made me think about it. That in books that is where I first found the loves of my life. In those pages of so many books are the people that taught me about life, love and being everything that I could possibly be. The different books I saw were like greeting old friends and even though I own the books there were quite a few that I picked up and flipped through the pages hoping to hear the words in my head. To relate those books to moments in my life and for many books I can.

I remember reading about Hank the cowdog and Drover and I had no idea that there were 57 books in the series. That makes me smile and think that there are so many that I haven't read. Boxcar Children and thinking how cool their adventures were from living in a boxcar to a purple hotel pool. Nancy and Ned hanging out with Bess and George and not even realizing that those books were set so far before I could even imagine.

Ethan Frome, Mrs. deWinter, Mr. Darcy, Tim O'Brien and so many others that were there for me, that taught me how to feel, how to think and gave me the desire to write.

oh how I miss writing and reading.

love ya!

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