Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Thinking out loud....

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about family. There are just so many things that you don't really think about until someone else says something to you about it.

Just_a_boy and I both are quite interested in history which leads you to the road of genealogy. Of course that right now just means using Google and whatever free resources there are on the internet. A recent check on, led me to a startling revelation on my family history, okay really not such a revelation but a realization of the past. I guess if your parents were born here in the states you just assume that your family has been here, that your family has always lived in America. On my dad's side of the family that just isn't true...I happen to be just a third generation American. That really isn't that far removed from the old country if you think about it, less than 100 years.

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