Thursday, August 26, 2010


This is just going to be one of those random getting everything out of my head posts.

Why is summer now a totally new season on television? What happened to the days of catching up on what I missed?

Why is a meal that is fruit and carbs considered a healthy lunchtime meal for kids? Isn't that just setting them up for a sugar spike and then a sugar crash?

Why do people have so much stuff on their blog? Ads and this and that and so many things that make it so cluttered and hard to focus on the centerpiece...the actual thoughts and materials that you want to display?

What makes a blog so noteworthy? What makes it the blog that people are driven to? That they can't go to bed at night if they haven't stopped by to see what their favorite blogger has put up for the world to see?

Speaking of blogs, I've noticed that there are a lot of people that are really driven by the number of comments that they have at the end of the day. To me that just isn't what this is about. This is about putting all the thoughts in my head in some kind of order that makes sense and if people want to throw in their two cents that is fine. I don't have to listen to what they say, take it to heart or even acknowledge it. I probably will acknowledge it though.

Oh I really want to be crafty again. I want the time to make those cute things that I see over on Etsy. I really do. I want to be able to finish one of the many crafty things that are floating around our apartment.

I would like to be able to hold a thought in my head longer than two seconds. Which may be why I'm trying to do this right now. I'm not sure if it's just that I have so many things going on in my head that I can't think or what it is.

What happened to the time when you could eat whatever you want and not have the guilt that comces with eating anything and everything? When it was okay to eat and McDonalds and it was okay to eat a Pop Tart for breakfast. Those are the days that I miss because I have a box of Pop Tarts on the top of my fridge that are calling my name to free them from those shiny wrappers.

Then there is the whole image thing which I can't even begin to go into right now because that is a committment that I am not quite ready to make right now.

love ya!

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